Americans for Prosperity & Texas Public Policy Foundation
Published: 01-29-08
Published: 01-29-08

High school and college students are invited to attend the 3-6 pm seminar as well as the dinner free of charge. Students will learn about the Federalist philosophy that they can apply to political and social issues throughout their lifetimes equipping them to promote American values and institutions.

After the seminar Novak will keynote the dinner which is open to the public. Cost for the dinner is $35 for individuals who did not attend the afternoon leadership seminar.
The Federalist Leadership Center is led by President Reagan’s former Director of the Office Personnel Management Dr. Donald Devine.
“Our mission is to teach America’s future civic leaders the importance of philosophical understanding specifically the Federalist thinking of America’s founders that is essential to the formation of true leadership” said Dr. Devine.
Peggy Venable AFP-Texas director said “This seminar provides a tremendous opportunity for young people to better understand our Founding Father’s vision of the appropriate role of government and the importance of citizen involvement.”