Fifteen year Texas House veteran enters race as the only candidate with legislative experience
Published: 01-07-08
Published: 01-07-08
AUSTIN – Texas State Representative Robert Talton (R-Pasadena) filed the necessary paperwork on Wednesday to enter the race for U.S Congressional District 22. The district that includes parts of Brazoria Ft. Bend Galveston and Harris Counties is currently represented by Rep. Nick Lampson (D).

“As a legislator for fifteen years I understand what it takes to pass legislation and as a resident of the community for 58 years I believe I can best represent Congressional District 22” Rep. Talton said.
“With ten candidates in the race on the Republican side this will be a grassroots campaign. My track record in the Republican Party and my conservative voting record in the Texas House is the reason so many grassroots leaders are supporting my campaign” Talton concluded.
Robert Talton has long been recognized as the conservative leader in the Texas House of Representatives. Consistently ranking in the top ten of widely respected legislative-oversight groups Talton is the conservative’s conscience in the Texas Legislature.
Talton’s leadership in the House has earned the praise of conservative organizations across the nation including the Free Market Enterprise Leader of Excellence “Texas Ten” Award 1993-2001; the Texas Eagle Forum Freedom and Family Award 2001 2003 and 2005; and the Vision America “2005 State Hero of the Faith” Award. The Capitol Inside Web newsletter named Talton the leading conservative in the Texas House in 2005.
Talton is a graduate of Pasadena High School the University of Houston and South Texas College of Law. He served our country in the United States Air Force Reserve.
His professional career has taken him from protecting the streets as a police officer to service as a prosecutor city attorney and municipal judge. Talton was elected to the Texas House of Representatives in 1992 where he has served with honor and distinction. Today he is an attorney in private practice.
Talton’s commitment to the Republican Party has brought him the respect and trust of GOP activists across Texas. Prior to his election to the Texas House Talton served as a precinct chairman for six years. He has attended every senatorial convention since 1984. He was elected delegate and attended nine of the last eleven Texas GOP conventions and was a national delegate in 2004.
In 2007 Talton was voted one of the best legislators and most-effective legislators of Texas by Capitol Inside. The Young Conservatives of Texas voted Talton one of the top conservatives on its Historical Honor Roll through 2006.
Married for 37 years Talton and his wife Sue have two children and three grandchildren. The Taltons are members of Sagemont Church.