Roger Williams Steps Down as Texas Secretary of State

Published: 06-11-07

USTIN –Roger Williams today announced that he is leaving his position as Texas Secretary of State to pursue other opportunities.  Williams’ resignation will be effective July 1 2007.

“I am very humbled and appreciative that Governor Perry gave me this incredible opportunity to serve as Texas’ Secretary of State” Williams said.  “The Secretary of State is a great office with a rich tradition and I hope that I played a small role in continuing to ensure that Texas is the best place in America to live vote and do business.”
During his tenure as Secretary of State Williams worked aggressively with the Governor to promote job creation and economic development throughout Texas.  He served as the Chair of the Governor’s Partnership Council on Economic Development working to bring more business and jobs to Texas.  He also led numerous business recruitment missions around the United States through TexasOne a privately funded program designed to market the state of Texas to companies and site selectors.  Additionally he led missions to Mexico Canada and Japan to promote trade and increase Texas’ position as the leading exporting state in the nation.

“Roger Williams has been an incredible salesman for the State of Texas and his leadership will be missed” Perry said.  “He has been a tremendous asset to the state on elections economic development border affairs and a host of other issues.  I am proud of the work he has done during his term as Secretary of State and more importantly proud to call him a friend.”

Over the last two and a half years Williams managed a variety of responsibilities including: leading Texas to be among the first states in the nation to comply with the Help America Vote Act of 2002; serving as the chair of the Base Realignment and Closure Response Strike Force a group consisting of representatives of 14 state agencies boards and commissions working to minimize the impact of BRAC on the state of Texas; acting as senior advisor and liaison to the Governor for Texas Border and Mexican Affairs; and serving as Chief International Protocol Officer for Texas hosting foreign officials and businesses from around the world.
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