Saving Cents: Switching Electric Companies

By Sherry Williams 11 News sherry-williamsHOUSTON You can pay less for electricity by switching electric companies but some people are intimidated by the process or they think theyre already paying a good rate. One thing to remember say experts is that rates are cheaper now than they were a year ago. There are about 30 different power companies selling electricity in the Houston area. To compare them look at what they charge per kilowatt hour.  The lowest current rate is 10.1 cents and the highest is 14.8 cents. To switch all you need to do is look on your current electric bill to see what you are paying per kilowatt hour. After you do that go to the state website and click on Compare Your Choices".  It shows you what each electric company charges per kilowatt hour. Once there pick a company that is offering a cheaper fixed rate than what youre paying now and call them. A fixed rate means you pay the same kilowatt per hour charge each month. You will have to pay a deposit if your credit history with your old electric company is not good. The deposits can be as much as $400 but companies will refund the money with interest after 1 year. Some companies may also run a full credit check. Another thing you should do before making the switch is to check to see how each electric company rates. You can on the website  Currently the top three are Mega Energy Reliant Energy and CPL Retail Energy. The bottom three are (worst) Freedom Power (next to last) DPI moneydrainEnergy and (third from bottom) Amigo Energy also known as Vega Resources. Once you make the switch do not call your old electric company to request a disconnection because your new company will handle that. You will notice absolutely no difference in how electricity gets to your home. CenterPoint Energy is responsible for maintaining the lines restoring power after storms so no matter who you buy it from its CenterPoint Energy that takes care of the lines" said Alicia Dixon of CenterPoint Energy. If you break a contract with your current provider you will have to pay a penalty. Still do the math because it may still be worth it to make the switch if the cheaper rate allows you to recoup that money after a few months.
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