By Ken Mercer
Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN Texas I was quite blessed last week to be guest speaker for a large crowd of New Braunfels women. To know that in spite of all the awful lies told by the Far Left & the media during the adoption by the Texas State Board of Education(SBOE) of the new Social Studies standards the true conservatives of Comal County understand that Texas won a major war is priceless.
After my speech on the importance of students studying the authentic history of our great country I was presented with a beautiful permanent keepsake and a wonderful contribution to my re-election campaign.
Then former Republican County Chair Don Hensz and current Chair Larry Nuckols read and presented the commendation found below. I am extremely humbled.
For eighteen months conservatives fought the disproportionate influence of academias radical left and their efforts to rewrite American History according to their political agenda.
Conservatives won the fight for true and accurate American History that honors our Founding Fathers honors our Veterans and Military and promotes our American free enterprise system!
Thank you my fellow Texans for drawing a line in the sand and taking a stand!
Resolution to Commend Ken Mercer State Board of Education Representative District 5
Commend the Conservatives on the State Board of Education
Passed by the Comal County Republican Party Executive Committee.
WHEREAS Ken Mercer has done an outstanding job of representing the citizens and children of Comal County and the State of Texas on the State Board of Education by supporting promoting and defending the principles of excellence in education and faithfully adhering to principles of the Republican Party of Texas

which are outlined in its platform; and
WHEREAS Ken Mercer believes that an educated citizenry is a foundation for a strong nation and has worked diligently for sound rigorous academic standards and opposed policies and programs that weaken an academic education; and
WHEREAS Ken Mercer was successful in his diligent work to drive politically correct but factually incorrect or misleading versions of history out of Texas classrooms in spite of overwhelming pressure from the liberal media the ACLU and others with liberal and/or radical agendas; and
WHEREAS Ken Mercer and other SBOE conservatives fought valiantly and successfully to preserve the real history of such important events as the Bataan Death March Christmas Rosh Hashanah Independence Day Veterans Day; and
WHEREAS Ken Mercer and other SBOE conservatives also fought to preserve information about many of Americas heroes such as Christopher Columbus Paul Revere General Dwight D. Eisenhower Neil Armstrong; and
WHEREAS Ken Mercer and the other SBOE conservatives worked diligently to overcome liberal opposition to such important philosophies as American Patriotism the belief that the United State is an exceptional country the positive

portrayal of our military and the benefits of American citizenship as opposed to the liberals choice of Global citizenship thereby triumphing in their stated purpose to stop the Far Left from rewriting and revising our childrens history standards; and
WHEREAS the current diligence involving history standards in our schools follows on the heroic 2009 success of Ken Mercer and other conservative SBOE members to create world-class standards for each area of science including Biology Chemistry Physics and Environmental Science including giving students the right to ask questions and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of any theory including the theory of evolution;now therefore
BE IT RESOLVED that the Comal County Republican Party Executive Committee on behalf of the Republicans of Comal Countyexpress our gratitude for Ken Mercers consistent voting record supporting excellence in education excellence in the accurate portrayal of American history excellence in seeking to instill in every Texas schoolchild a love of America its values and its heroes;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we have great respect and highly value Ken Mercers leadership and commitment knowing full well how ardently and diligently he had to contend with the radical liberal agenda and at what personal cost to himself and his family;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we support and appreciate the tenacity and hard work of all of the conservative members of the SBOE and commend their efforts on behalf of the citizens of Comal County the State of Texas but especially the children who can now look forward to being given the truth about the excellent gift they were given by the Founding Fathers and the many generations of men and women who have offered their very lives to preserve this wonderful country;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be presented to Ken Mercer and a copy provided to the other conservative members of the SBOE to all Republican State Representatives and State Senators to Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst to Governor Rick Perry to the Republican Party of Texas to all auxiliaries of the Republican Party of Texas to the Texas Republican County Chair Assoc. and to all Republican clubs in Comal County;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be put in petition format and be distributed throughout Comal County for signatures to allow all registered voters the opportunity to show their support of the efforts of Ken Mercer and the conservative members of the
State Board of Education.
Ken Mercer (R - Bexar) is a Conservative Member of the State Board of Education.