SBOE to Consider Tighter Rules to Monitor Open Source&" Textbook Issue

By Geraldine Tincy" Miller State Board of Education District 12 TincyMiller4Last week the State Board of Education (SBOE) met for the first time in 2010.  It was an exciting meeting with a very packed agenda and consequently we were not able to complete everything.  For instance the Board had planned to consider a tighter set of rules to help the Texas Education Agency monitor the Open Source" Textbook issue but due to the constraints on time we elected to wait until the next meeting to discuss it.   We did have an excellent discussion on the TEKS and we made a final ruling on the graduation requirements.  We had groups and individuals testify from every corner of the state. Prior to the meeting the state had planned to eliminate Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) from the High School graduation requirements.  However after hearing testimony from a number of teachers the Board decided to allow IPC to be taken as a fourth credit once Chemistry and Physics have been taken and passed.  Additionally the Board voted to allow students to take up to four Physical Education requirements. The most passionate and lengthy discussions involved the Social Studies TEKS.  We had a day-and-a-half of testimony followed by another half day of debate among the members. SBOE members myself included are always so pleased & thankful to those who take the time to engage in the public debate and provide us with the kind of feedback we need on such important issues as this.  It helps us fully understand eveyones perspectives and contributes significantly to making our Texas curriculum the very best it can be.  We were not able to get through all the input & discussion so we will be taking up the TEKS again at the March meeting of the full board. The Board had also planned to consider a tighter set of rules to help the Texas schoolEducation Agency monitor the Open Source" Textbook issue but due to the constraints on time we elected to wait until the next meeting to discuss it.  I am proposing two rules to consider.  The first calls for districts that purchase online classroom materials to have a set of SBOE-approved textbooks as well.  The second requires universities designing open source classroom materials to present them at a public hearing called by the SBOE to allow input from parents teachers and stakeholders.  Highland Park Strolling Strings gave stunning performance My favorite moment of the meeting occurred when the Highland Park Strolling Strings gave a stunning performance and were honored by the Board.  The Strolling Strings are made up of two dancers and an orchestra of musicians from Highland Park High School.  Peggy Tucker orchestra director for the Strolling Strings Dr. Dawson Orr Tincysuperintendent for Highland Park ISD Gina Gardiner assistant superintendent for Highland Park ISD Linda Raya Coordinator of Fine Arts for Highland Park High School and Patrick Cates Highland Park High School Principal were also in attendance to receive the honor.  The Strolling Strings gave one of the most unique presentations we have seen in a long time.  One attendee even called it Real Art History". Finally I have been a member of the SBOE since 1984 and in that time I have led the way for Texas children.  I helped pass the first Dyslexia Law in Texas and established the first Dyslexia Handbook for parents and teachers helping students learn to read.  I was instrumental in the early assessment for children at-risk for dyslexia and related disorders and facilitated the first dyslexia reading academics. At my insistence we have improved the textbook review and adoption process by having teachers review the books in their subject specialty.  I was instrumental in developing the first phonics-based curriculum in Texas that has proved successful. SBOE-followers will attest to my leading the efforts to firmly and unceasingly defend the Permanent School Fund (PSF) guaranteeing that all students will have equal access to textbooks.  With the help of untold citizens from across Texas and within my 12th SBOE District we have affected positive change in Austin and accomplished so much for Texas schoolchildren.  I will continually strive to raise the standards and insure that Texas public schools are the best they can be and am running for re-election because there is much more to do. I am looking forward to continuing a very spirited discussion about the Social Studies TEKS and open source" textbooks in our next meeting scheduled for March.  Please contact me via my website by clicking here should you have any questions or concerns.
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