School Uniforms in Huntsvilles Future?

By Yvonne T. Betowt - school-uniformsHUNTSVILLE AL -- Two years ago when the Academy for Science and Foreign Language implemented a school uniform policy there were loud moans and groans from the students and some parents. But after two years of wearing the blue white and khaki colors eighth graders Allison Dahlberg Jaylyn Jones and Kris Yamada wouldnt have it any other way. The uniform helps you in the morning (when picking out something to wear) said Dahlberg. It doesnt put as much pressure on how you look on the outside and it puts more importance on academics. Jones said he was a little iffy when the idea of uniforms surfaced but said he eventually warmed up to it. Neatly dressed in a navy blue sweater light blue shirt and khaki slacks Yamada hated the idea but has had a change of heart. It really helps with discipline and its less expensive said Yamada. Ive worn these clothes for two years. I like to look spiffy. Those among others are reasons Huntsville City School Board member Laurie McCaulley plans to revive the system-wide school uniform issue at Thursdays board meeting. All the research is in favor of uniforms said McCaulley who was approached by three teachers asking for a system-wide uniform policy for elementary and middle school students. It has a positive impact for student achievement and we need to do all we can to help children achieve. In 1997 the Huntsville City School board was presented a study on school uniforms led by then-Ed White Middle School Principal Dr. Barry Carroll  (now superintendent of Limestone County schools). Despite parents being overwhelmingly in favor of a uniform policy the issue quietly died. I dont know why the board didnt approve it said McCaulley. There was a study that showed nearly 80 percent of the parents approved it (70 percent of students opposed it). McCaulley believes school uniforms will help prevent incidents at schools. I want us to be proactive rather than reactive said McCaulley. You have less distractions in the schools with uniforms. McCaulley said parents would be able to dress a child for one week for about $150 depending on where they shop. In this economy it will help parents not only financially but it will cut out arguments with the child over what to wear she said. McCaulley hopes the board will approve a study committee which will include teachers parents and people from the community. This is just to begin the conversation said McCaulley. Id like to see board members appoint someone from each district so everyone will be represented. Huntsville City School Superintendent Dr. Ann Roy Moore said in addition to the Academy several city schools (Chapman and Williams middle schools Martin Luther King elementary and the Seldon Center) have school uniform policies. Its not mandatory system-wide said Moore. Its up to each school and once they go through the process of doing a survey and getting everyone on board then they can proceed. While many educators believe school uniforms help alleviate discipline problems Moore is not convinced that is necessarily the case. I dont think you have less discipline problems she said. It may make a difference to some degree in some places that are more volatile such as  those who want to look like their peers and wear expensive shoes. But we have many schools which dont have uniforms and we have no problems with discipline. Academy Principal Dr. Tammy Summerfield  says she had few discipline problems when she came to the school four years ago. But since the implementation of the school uniform policy she said students have been more focused on their academics rather than how they dress. I think it has created more unity in the school and more team work said Summerfield who will be in Montgomery Thursday to be honored at a luncheon for being one of 12 principals receiving the Council for Leaders in Alabama Schools (CLAS). The award is based in part on the Academys uniform initiative and the fact it is an International Baccalaureate School candidate. Summerfield said her idea behind the uniforms is one purpose -- to focus on academics. Thats why we are here.
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