Schools Strain to Meet Needs as Latinos Alter Face of Texas

Leaders must confront the realization that the state is not adequately funding the education of a growing population that is generally poorer and less proficient in English. width=157AUSTIN If you want to see how profoundly the states population is changing look at the faces of the children in Texas public school classrooms. In all but rural areas Hispanic enrollment is rapidly surpassing that of whites. Hispanic schoolchildren make up nearly 49 percent of Texas 4.8 million pre-K through 12th-grade students according to the Texas Education Agency. About one-third of students are white. Demographers have long projected dramatic population changes for Texas and the states leaders have acknowledged the economic social and political impact they will have but hardly ever in the present tense. Now they must confront the realization that the state is not adequately funding the education of a growing population that is generally poorer and less proficient in English. We were warned about this" said Senate Education Chairwoman Florence Shapiro R-Plano. You look at the future but you dont think its going to be now." Across Texas 349 districts are majority Hispanic 18 more than last year and 104 more than in 2000. Texas has 670 white majority school districts down 97 from a decade ago. The shift appears to be driven by birth rates and immigration not simply white flight" to private schools. The gap grows every year and is wider in the early elementary school grades where Hispanic children now make up a majority. In some suburbs Hispanic enrollment over the past decade has increased by more than 150 percent while the white student population has grown by less than 20 percent or declined. Formerly white-majority suburban districts in the Houston area include Cypress-Fairbanks Katy Klein Pearland and Alvin. Districts in denial The states Hispanic population is not monolithic it varies widely in income education and length of residency in the United States. But the combination of high numbers of limited English-proficient students even higher numbers of children from low-income families and persistently high dropout rates worry some educators and demographers. During the past decade enrollment from low-income families has grown to 2.8 million or nearly 59 percent of all students. The number of English-language learners has increased to nearly 816000. Both types of students are more expensive to teach. School districts have been in denial figuring that we can continue doing the same things the same way" said Manuel Rodriguez Jr. president of the Texas Mexican American School Board Association and a member of the Houston ISD school board. Millions and millions and millions have been spent on dropout prevention measures and it hasnt changed the numbers." Shapiro the Senate education leader said Texas must do more to catch middle school students before they drop out. Schools need more flexibility to accommodate half-day students who work to support their families and there must be more public charter schools to provide flexibility and innovation she said. The changing school population will trigger greater demands for dual language programs more Hispanic school teachers and an increased focus on Hispanic contributions to our history and culture said Jacqueline Lain associate executive director for the Texas Association of School Boards. Of 327663 public schoolteachers last year only 22 percent were Hispanic. The bottom line is this: if Texas fails to meet the challenges of educating the majority-minority population with the knowledge and skills necessary to compete in the increasingly global economy then we should expect that our state will be poorer and less competitive in the very near future" she said. A decade ago former state demographer Steve Murdock warned that the average household income in Texas would drop by around $6500 by the year 2040 from 2000 levels unless the education trend line changed. I see no signs of a reversal in such trends" said Murdock now on the faculty of Rice University. The demographics are very overpowering and we clearly show signs of falling farther behind. It is as we have noted the major challenge to Texas future." Looking at tax system Key lawmakers already are warning they will not seek new taxes next year to address a severe state budget shortfall. But shortchanging education is not a smart response some observers say. Education is not something we do for children. Education is something we do to children for society. This demographic is an asset if its educated. Its a liability if its not" said Scott McCown executive director of the Center for Public Policy Priorities. But McCown warns that Texas cannot meet its growing education demands with the current tax system. Its not the best time to be talking about investing in the future but nonetheless we have to begin a serious study about revising that states tax system" McCown said. We are not keeping up with enrollment growth and inflation in public education much less providing the money to meet higher standards and closing the dropout rate." Texas Education Commissioner Robert Scott remains more optimistic than many who see demographic changes as a cause for worry. The Texas public schools are committed to providing a quality education for all children. This is why we have focused on raising standards and preparing our children for college and the workplace" he said. We anticipate that the prosperity we enjoy in Texas today will continue as long as we keep the economy and the public schools strong."
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