Sen. Cornyn: New Texas Job Numbers Encouraging

We should continue economic expansion by keeping taxes low Cornyn says

Published: 09-25-07

WASHINGTON—U.S. Sen. John Cornyn a member of the Senate Budget Committee made the following statement regarding the latest Texas job numbers released on Friday. The state unemployment rate dropped to 4.2 percent down from 4.9 percent a year ago. Employers in Texas added 10400 jobs in the past month for a total of 229000 in the past year.

“The latest Texas job numbers are encouraging and show that economic growth in our state remains strong. The unemployment rate in Texas is near its lowest level in more than thirty years and more than a quarter-million new jobs have been added in the past year.
“To help ensure we continue expanding opportunities for Texans and all Americans we must keep taxes low. This allows individuals to decide how to spend their wages and salaries—not government.  Some in Congress want to raise taxes however thinking Washington knows best how to spend taxpayers’ money. We need to implement policies to help working Texas families such as making the child tax credit permanent and eliminating the death tax and marriage tax penalty. This is the best prescription to ensure continued expansion across our state.”

Sen. Cornyn serves on the Armed Services Judiciary and Budget Committees. In addition he is Vice Chairman of the Senate Republican Conference and the Senate Select Committee on Ethics. He serves as the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee’s Immigration Border Security and Refugees subcommittee and the Armed Services Committee’s Airland subcommittee. He served previously as Texas Attorney General Texas Supreme Court Justice and Bexar County District Judge.
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