SAN ANTONIOU.S. Sen. John Cornyn R-Texas today issued the following statement in honor of Veterans Day:
This Veterans Day Americans remember the selfless service and countless sacrifices made by our nations veterans. Because of their courage and dedication we are privileged to live in the greatest most prosperous country on the face of the earth. I join with all Texans in honoring our veterans and thanking them for all that they have done to keep this nation safe strong and free."
Sen. Cornyn will pay tribute to Texas veterans at two events in the San Antonio area today. At 11:00 a.m. he will participate in the City of Natalias Veterans Day Ceremony. At 2:00 p.m. he will deliver remarks at a ribbon-cutting ceremony for a new dormitory for homeless veterans sponsored by Haven for Hope and the American GI Forum (AGIF) in San Antonio.