Sen. Hutchison Calls on Congress to Immediately Pass Funding for Veterans

Delivers Floor Speech Asking Congressional Leadership to End Delay of Veterans Health Funding

Published: 11-14-07

WASHINGTON –U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) Ranking Member of the Senate Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Subcommittee today called on Congress to immediately pass the Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 Military Construction Veterans Affairs (Milcon-VA) Appropriations bill.

“There is no reason no substantive reason no common-sense reason that we should delay the bill that has been agreed to by Republicans and Democrats” Sen. Hutchison said Tuesday in remarks on the Senate floor.  “This bill could easily pass the House and Senate and be sent to the President before the end of this week.”
Last week Sen. Hutchison raised a Point of Order against the Labor-Health Human Services and Education Appropriations bill citing a violation of Senate Rule XXVIII (28).  The Point of Order was not waived and the two bills were separated. 

“If we don’t pass this bill we jeopardize the new priorities that we have put in these bills on a bipartisan basis” said Sen. Hutchison.  “We have more research and treatment for mental health and post-traumatic stress syndrome.  We have better rehabilitation and research on the use of artificial limbs.  These are the kinds of injuries that our young men and women who are protecting our freedom are coming home with and we need to give them the best quality care.”

To date the House has not agreed to appoint conferees so that the conference report can reach and pass both houses and receive the President’s signature.

“I am very disappointed that we have a bill that has been conferenced it is ready to go and yet the leadership of Congress is not letting this bill go to the president to be signed before we leave for the Thanksgiving break.  I call on our Senate leadership and our House leadership to make it happen.”
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