Public Assistance Funds can be Used for Federal Infrastructure Aid
Published: 07-23-07
Published: 07-23-07

The additional 16 counties that are now eligible for Public Assistance (PA) funds are Archer Baylor Brown Callahan Coleman Comanche Erath Hamilton Jones Llano Mason Mills Montague San Saba Wichita and Wise. PA funds are intended to help repair and restore damaged infrastructure and can be used for debris removal emergency services related to the disaster and the repair or replacement of damaged public facilities such as roads buildings and utilities.
“I am pleased FEMA has included the additional 16 Texas counties so that they get the help they need to repair and rebuild” said Sen. Hutchison. “I’ll continue working with the federal state and local government to make sure Texas gets the resources it needs.”
According to FEMA entities throughout Texas are also “eligible for funds to reduce future disaster losses under FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP). This program helps state or local governments avoid or lessen the impact of natural hazards through safer building practices and the improvement of existing structures and supporting infrastructure. HMGP contributes to the development of a long-term comprehensive mitigation program by funding measures designed to achieve the goals of the State Hazard Mitigation Plan.”