Sen. Hutchison Files Montgomery G.I. Bill Educational Assistance Transferability

Will Expand Eligibility for the Transfer of Earned Funds to Spouses and Children

Published: 01-31-08

WASHINGTON –U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) chairman of Senate Republican Policy Committee today filed S. 2575 the Montgomery GI Bill Educational Assistance Transferability Act of 2008 legislation to expand the eligibility of service members to transfer Montgomery G.I. Bill education benefits to immediate family members.

Sen. Tim Johnson (D-SD) chairman of the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Subcommittee and Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) are among the original cosponsors.
Under current law G.I. Bill funds can be transferred only if a service member has a critical skill a designation that is made by each service that is subject to change.  Additionally current law limits this small percentage of service members to transfer only 18 months of education benefits even though the soldiers can earn up to 36 months of benefits equivalent to four years of college tuition.

Sen. Hutchison’s legislation removes these limitations and immediately allows service members who are eligible for the G.I. Bill to transfer their earned educational funds to spouses or children.

 “I believe current law places unnecessary restrictions on educational assistance for our soldiers and their families and I will work with Congress to quickly expand G.I. bill benefits” said Sen. Hutchison.

Those entering the military usually buy their way into the Montgomery GI Bill.   It generally covers 36 months of education at a value of about $40000.  Today 97 enroll but only 70 actually use the benefit with very few using all of it.  Sen. Hutchison’s legislation will enable soldiers to make full use of this earned benefit by transferring it to their immediate family.

Sen. Hutchison is asking the Senate Majority and Minority Leaders to bypass the committee process and bring this legislation to the floor as quickly as possible.

Also cosponsoring the legislation are Senators Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) Pete Domenici (R-NM) Norm Coleman (R-MN) John Sununu (R-NH) Evan Bayh (D-IN) Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) James Inhofe (R-OK) and Pat Roberts (R-KS).

Sen. Hutchison is the Ranking Member on the Senate Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Subcommittee and serves on the Senate Defense Appropriations Subcommittee.
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