Sen. Patrick: Im Excited About 2010

DanBy State Senator Dan Patrick This past Monday was the filing deadline for both Republicans and Democrats who want to run for office in 2010.  As conservatives we have the concern about a regime in Washington that seems determined to undermine our Constitution. They want to interject themselves into every aspect of our lives our school rooms our boardrooms our showrooms and our hospital rooms. Government in Washington is out of control and out of touch.   I did not have anyone file against me from either party.  I believe this is a tribute to the strong team we have built in Senate District 7.  I am honored and blessed to represent you in the Texas Senate. As we begin 2010 I wanted to take a moment to wish you a blessed New Year.  The past 12 to 18 months have been a challenge for our nation on many levels.  It has also been a challenge for each one of us on a personal level. Whether we have suffered losses in our savings our businesses or are still worried about losing our jobs this is a stressful time for many Americans.  Republicans Independents and even some Democrats are concerned about a government that wants to expand to all areas of our lives while at the same time is dysfunctional in the areas they are currently overseeing. On Christmas day there was another attempted terrorist attack in the skies over America. The Homeland Security Director seemed incapable of understanding the seriousness of the issue in her comment that the system worked just fine.  Our President addressed the nation about this near miss attack after 4 days passed and then went on to play a round of golf. Our values principles and culture are under attack from both the political radical left inside our borders and from radical terrorists outside our borders. So how do we welcome in the New Year with optimism and hope.  First we must remind ourselves we have been in crisis before in our country and were victorious over those struggles. Second we still live in the greatest country in the world. And for those of us in Texas we live in the greatest state in our country.  We have the finest military the world has ever seen -- the next greatest generation of brave young men and women is on the job. We have the best troops-militaryhealthcare in the world. We are still a country where anyone no matter who they are who their parents where what they have or where they are from can still achieve the American dream.  We are a nation of great people. Americans have done more for the world than any country in the history of the world. We are generous in our volunteerism and our giving.  No nation has shed more blood and treasure for others than America. When we fight on foreign soil we dont fight to conquer we fight to free others. And I for one am not about to take part in the Presidents world apology tour. We have made our share of mistakes as a nation. But lets be clear we are not a good nation that occasionally is great we are a great nation that occasionally gets it wrong. Im proud to be a Christian a Conservative and an American. As conservatives 2010 will be the year we begin to take our country and the Republican Party back to its core principles and values. I embrace the grass roots movement the passion of the Tea Party movement and am proud of those who attended town hall meetings across our state and nation. There is an awakening afoot like I have not seen before.  But before we can take back our nation we must take back our party.  I welcome everyone who wants to join our conservative cause but I do not intend to water down that same cause to build a bigger political tent that stands for nothing. We have important elections ahead in March and in November.  We must elect people who truly believe in limited government less government spending a secure border a strong military a free market capitalistic economic system and a pro life pro family values culture. Most importantly we need elected officials who will fight for our Constitution as it was written. I intend to do my part in my position as Senator business owner father husband friend and fellow Texan. I believe most Americans share my vision for Texas and America.  We may disagree in shades of gray on some issues but most Americans want lower taxes less spending less Government a strong economy and a country in which they can live without fear of losing their life or liberty. Texas will play a major role in the future on our nation and the world.  The world cannot and will not be a safe and stable place unless America is strong. America will not and cannot be strong unless Texas is strong.  oil-gas-energy-drilling-rigTexas has one of the largest economies in the world.  Our population will double in only 30 years making us the largest state in the nation. If we fail in Texas America cannot be strong.  There is a lot riding on what we do as a state during the next several years.  I am ready for the challenge and the fight.  Liberty is not guaranteed but must be fought for in each generation. If we have soldiers willing to give their life for our liberty in faraway lands the least we can do is be willing to do all we can in our own country.  Our job is to win at the ballot box. Im excited about 2010.  It will be a year of great opportunity and great victories for those of us who want to return our nation to the nation our fathers and mothers turned over to us.  Our children and grandchildren deserve no less than our maximum effort to pass on the baton of peace prosperity and liberty that was given to us. So join me in a tip of the glass to our greatest days of the past the greatest days that are still to come and the part that each of us are going to play in winning back our nation. Lets get started.
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