“Court will still be #1 on my speed dial” Sen. Patrick
Published: 08-08-07
Published: 08-08-07

“Court is my consultant is our chief of staff but before all that he is my friend” Senator Patrick remarked. “I will rely on his counsel just as much in the future as I do today. Court will still be #1 on my speed dial” Senator Patrick added.
Koenning gained his political experience as the executive director of the Washington DC Republican Committee and the Harris County Republican Party. He also had various positions in numerous political campaigns including those of US Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison Texas Senators Steve Ogden and Kyle Janek.
His legislative experience includes work with former US Senator Phil Gramm former Attorney General John Cornyn Texas Senator Steve Ogden and former State Representative Steve Holzheauser.
Senator Patrick just concluded his first legislative session. Recently the Texas Eagle Forum scored Senator Patrick as the most conservative senator in Texas.