Senate Panel Endorses Health Insurance Pool for Children

width=65AUSTIN   The Senate Committee on State Affairs today approved legislation by State Senator Jane Nelson R-Flower Mound establishing a health insurance pool for children in the child support system.  SB 66 which passed unanimously moves to the full Senate for further consideration. This legislation will enhance the states ongoing effort to connect more Texas children to health insurance Senator Nelson said.  By re-directing cash medical support dollars into this health care pool we are creating an option for parents who do not qualify for government-funded health care yet have no health insurance available through their employers. Federal law requires parents in the child support system to provide health coverage for their children.  If no coverage is available to either parent a judge typically orders the non-custodial parent to pay cash medical support to the custodial parent.  SB 66: • Authorizes the Office of Attorney General through a competitive bid process to establish an insurance pool for children in the child support system; • Allows judges in lieu of cash medical support to direct uninsured children into the health pool as part of a custody order; • Clarifies that courts may not direct children into the plan if premium costs exceed 9 percent of the non-custodial parents income. • Clarifies that the creation of this pool does not preclude enrollment of eligible children into CHIP; and • Clarifies that enrollment in the pool does not prevent later enrollment in an insurance plan that becomes available to parents. The Legislative Budget Board has determined that there is no cost to the state associated with this bill.  The Office of Attorney General estimates that approximately 200000 children who currently lack health insurance will be covered under this legislation. Senator Jane Nelson represents District 12
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