Senator Kirk Watson: Fit to Run

kirkwatsonIm running. But hang on. Im not announcing a run for some office. Im talking about getting named to Austin Fit Magazines list of the 10 Fittest Austinites. (Admit it I got some of you.) Austin Fit is a magazine thats about as you might guess being fit and being in Austin. So I have to assume they know what theyre talking about. Lets just say that by comparison to the other nine fit Austinites Im a little concerned about how hard it is to defend this pick. The article is in the August issue. They took a picture of me in shorts and a T-shirt that even a dust cloth would feel sorry for. Presumably my legs and the rags on my back locked up the sympathy vote. What follows are excerpts from the questionnaire from the magazine that I responded to. I say excerpts because it was incredibly long I got winded from the typing which I maybe should have disclosed. If you had to pick three words to describe your personality what would they be? open driven happy Do you have kids? If so has having kids affected your ability to stay in shape? Two kids: Preston wholl be 20 in August; Cooper who is 14. No. In fact Preston is a Type 1 Juvenile Diabetic and his disease and dealing with it has actually taught me more about nutrition the role of exercise and it helps motivate us to stay fit. tx-capitolWhat inspires and motivates you to improve? Wanting to be as good as I can be and meet the expectations confidence and trust so many people have put into me. Who do you most admire and why? Those serving people in need out of a raw sense of service. What achievement(s) are you most proud of in your life? Surviving cancer and finishing this questionnaire. What do you like most about what you do? Theres something new every day and when done right it has a lasting impact on individual people. Whats your favorite activity in Austin? Probably being on the hike and bike trail seeing so many folks individually working out in a place that seems to connect people to each other. To you what does it mean to be fit? Exercising enough to feel the head and body benefits. And most importantly so that I can fit into a suit without feeling like Im being cut in half. List three key experiences that have gotten you to this point in your health and fitness? Surviving cancer my wifes focus on health and fitness Prestons diabetes and a fourth experience is running a few half marathons. Were you ever out of shape? Off and on all of my adult life. What are your most profound fitness achievements? For me finishing three half marathons in one year. It hurt profoundly. What advice would you offer someone who is unmotivated? Dont get sick. If you do youre going to wish you had a better base from which to fight off whatever is coming after you. Part of being fit is to feel good and fighting off being sick. Another part of being fit is so that when you get ill youre better able to survive and recover. Why do you think youve been nominated as one of Austins 10 Fittest? A typo. Someone thought they were nominating me for one of Austins 10 Fattest. Although Im guessing someone saw my really great legs in running shorts. Describe your diet in less than 20 words. Lots of really fine banquet rubber chicken. I try to avoid carbs and Im searching for Austins perfect salad and fish dishes. What three unhealthy cravings seem to have their hold on you? Red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese icing from the Cupcake Trailer almost any kind of cereal at about 9:00 at night and if Im driving I have to close my eyes as I pass Dairy Queens to avoid stopping for a chocolate covered ice cream cone (and I know that driving with your eyes closed is not a healthy life style activity; sort of ironic that I have to do that to try and stay fit).
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