Senators Hutchison Cornyn Comments on Passage of Funding for Troops

Published: 05-25-07

Hutchison Comments on Final Vote to Deliver Funding for Our Troops
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) Chairman of the Republican Policy Committee today made the following statement on the final vote to provide funding for our troops without the irresponsible troop withdrawal timetable language:

“As veterans and military families across the country gather this Memorial Day to honor the service and sacrifice of our brave servicemen and women they will do so knowing our troops serving today will have the resources they need to carry out their mission.
“The bill that was vetoed by the president would have put our troops in Iraq in harm’s way by telling our enemies that we would be leaving at a date certain without regard to what is happening on the ground.”

Cornyn statement on Passage of Emergeny troop supplement
Bill includes $3.1 billion in BRAC funding – will benefit Texas military facilities

U.S. Sen. John Cornyn a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee made the following statement Thursday regarding the Senate’s passage of an emergency supplemental funding bill:
“Completion of this emergency supplemental is critical for our troops serving on the front lines and for our military facilities here at home.  Regardless of political differences all Americans should be united in support of our brave men and women in uniform.  This bill provides funding for new body armor the construction of improved mine resistant vehicles and importantly the resources to train and equip Iraqi soldiers so that our troops can come home as soon as possible.

“On the homefront the $3.1 billion in the bill for Base Realignment and Closure was long overdue. This funding is critical to Texas military facilities. Our military communities across the state depend on these resources. We must continue to honor the commitment of those who serve with the assistance and benefits they need and deserve now during wartime more than ever.”
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