Dallas TX Congressman Pete Sessions (TX-32) last night joined Congressman Sam Johnson (TX-03) Congressman Joe Barton (TX-06) and Congressman Jeb Hensarling (TX-05) for a Congressional Health Care Forum at the Eisemann Center for Performing Arts in Richardson TX. Over 2200 North Texans attended the event.
North Texans understand that the Democrats government-run health plan is a prescription for higher costs deeper deficits more taxes fewer choices and interference in the patient-doctor relationship" Sessions stated. But already high costs have made coverage unaffordable for too many Americans and the need for reform is clear. The Congressional Health Care Forum provided an opportunity to outline real reforms and to hear firsthand the innovative solutions that Texas health care providers and community leaders are implementing for more affordable care."
Hosted by Congressman Sam Johnson the forum featured policy discussions with the Members of Congress and with panelists who are building inventive health care solutions. The panelists included Joel Allison President and CEO Baylor Health Care System; Christopher Crow MD Village Health Partners Plano TX; Tarrant County Judge Glen Whitley; and Eddie McBride President of Lubbock Chamber of Commerce. John Goodman President and CEO of the National Center for Policy Analysis presided as moderator for the forum.
At the forum Baylor Health Care System President Joel Allison identified cost-saving joint ventures and physician-owned facilities that can provide more affordable quality care. Additionally he noted the current physician shortage underscoring the fact that universal coverage will not mean universal access.
Members also heard how the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce is using local pooling to provide cost-effective health coverage without federal assistance how the National Association of Counties has started a county prescription drug card plan that offers significantly discounted prescriptions to participants and how local physicians in Plano have united resources to develop more affordable one-stop" health care services.
Congress should focus on making health care coverage more affordable portable and accessible for all Americans" Sessions continued. By leveling the playing field for consumers freeing the market for competition and making health coverage patient-centered more Americans can access health coverage that meets their unique health needs and finances."
The Congressional Health Care Forum builds on over three weeks of heath care town halls and meetings held by the participating Members of Congress. Congressman Barton and Congressman Sessions will continue the public discussion on health care reform tonight with radio host Mark Davis on the WBAP Health Care Town Hall Meeting from 8pm 10pm Central. For more information or to listen live online visit