Shami Releases His Revitalizing Texas Economy Plan

Democratic Candidate for Governor calls for Creating Jobs & Providing Opportunity in Low-Income and Minority Areas farouk-shamiDALLAS/FORT WORTH - During a press breakfast on Tuesday January 26 Farouk Shami discussed his policy to create new jobs for Texans and provide opportunities in low-income and minority areas of the state. The economy of Texas is the second largest in the US and would be the 15th largest in the world if it were its own country. Our economic growth and opportunity has caused corporations and individuals from around the country to move to Texas. Yet this growth has been somewhat uneven and has left behind entire regions and populations throughout our state. We must continue to foster economic growth while paying special attention to ethnic groups and regions left behind by nearly two decades of Republican rule in Texas. All Texans have a right to have access to the American Dream said Shami. We cannot continue to leave entire communities behind. My plan gives corporations incentives to place businesses that pay a living wage in areas where the jobs and money are needed most. Shamis plan includes:
  • building small business incubators
  • creating green energy jobs
  • promoting border industry clusters
  • modernizing core infrastructure
  • creating high-paying jobs in disadvantaged areas and
  • tax incentive changes for employers considering relocating to those areas.
I am pleased to announce my plan to bring a better future for Texas and to lead the way with jobs for a new economy said Shami.
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