Shapiro: Texas Civics on Trial in the Public Square

Texas Insider Reports width=93State Senator Florence Shapiro has always been one who is clearly committed to making sure the young people of Texas are citizen-ready.  Her belief is that parents teachers & administrators have an obligation to the 4.7 million Texas public school students to send them into the world equipped with an understanding of the traditions principles & ideals that make America great.   With Americas future at stake Shapiro says our students must be citizen-ready.  Senator Shapiro will co-Chair a Texas Conservative Coalition Research Institutes Task Force on Citizen-Readiness.  This new initiative aims to foster a greater sense of appreciation for and knowledge of American history and the philosophical underpinnings that led to the creation of our democratic system of governance.  The goal is to explore ways to make our students citizen-ready. Send the Senator your ideas on the characteristics that make our students citizen-ready. SHAPIROS DISTRICT STAR AWARD Senator Shapiro periodically recognizes young constituents from throughout District 8 for outstanding accomplishments and notable achievements.  This month Senator Shapiro honors three  District 8 students (of only 22 students from across the state) named Young Masters for 2010 by the Texas Cultural Trust. Shapiro bestowed these high school students with her District Star Award:
  • Skylar Boykin of Plano (Dance)
  • Kyle Morrow of Dallas (Visual Arts) and
  • Ida Saki of Plano (Dance)
The Young Masters Program helps children develop their unique talent in music theatre dance visual arts and the literary arts. This program stimulates outstanding students (K-12) involved in arts education and creates a mentoring relationship between the student and the instructor said Shapiro. To qualify the student must be enrolled in a program through their school or receive private lessons from a qualified professional instructor. Scholarships of up to $2500 per year are provided to successful applicants for a period of up to three years. IN COMMITTEE with Sen. Shapiro - Upcoming Hearings & Meetings: width=109Select Committee on Public School Finance Weights Allotments & Adjustments Co-Chair Wednesday May 19 2010--9:00 a.m. San Antonio -- Senate Committee on Education Chair Joint Hearing with Senate Committee on Higher Education Monday May 24 2010--9:00 a.m. State Capitol Austin -- Senate Committee on Finance Member Joint Hearing with Senate Committee on Transportation & Homeland Security Member Wednesday May 26 2010--10:00 a.m. State Capitol Austin
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