Social Studies Curriculum: SBOE Update

By Ken Mercer State Board of Education Member for District 5 width=71Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN Texas  Many of you have heard the lies that the far left has thrown against my fellow Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) members and me. We have spent the last few weeks refuting those lies and opening the eyes of Texans to the excellent requirements (K-12) that are now in the new Social Studies curriculum standards. This entire process has been open and honest with testimony and input from thousands of Texas citizens over the past eighteen months.. The new Social Studies TEKS will enhance the quality of education for every student in Texas. However we must not underestimate how hard the leftists will work to ensure that the truth does not reach the voters of Texas!   Bill White and the Democrat Party of Texas will do everything in their power to see that I as a conservative SBOE member do not get elected in November.  I believe my leadership over the last four years as a hard-working SBOE member will be appreciated by the voters at the ballot box.   I need your help to ensure that we can spread this message throughout the district.   As an elected official my purpose is not to just rubber stamp" all the recommendations of academic experts especially when they want to continue funding a decades-old failed experiment in reading and writing or deny students the right to ask probing questions in science class or to promote a radical ideological agenda that distorts history and opposes American patriotism. I need your help to continue to ensure that the state of Texas is the best place in our nation to receive an education! May God continue to Bless Our Texas. Ken Mercer represents 1.5 million Texans in 12 counties including:  Blanco Burnet Caldwell Comal Gillespie Guadalupe Hays Kendall Llano and parts of Bell Bexar and Travis Counties.
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