By Jim Cardle – President Texas Citizen Action Network
Published: 05-15-07
Published: 05-15-07

Such is the spot where Austin Legislators find themselves today – for both reasons known to the general public and for one that is not. (More on liberal’s attack on conservatives & House Speaker Tom Craddick later.)
So with less than two short weeks remaining in the 2007 Legislative Session what is on the agenda for the remainder of the Session? Here are a couple recommendations.
1.) Budget budget & budget. Current sentiment says the Senate may be trying to spend a bit more than the budget issued out of the House which while set to grow at a reasonable 5.4 rate could change drastically in Conference Committee. Delivering on the most important Constitutional responsibility the legislature has is crucial.
2.) Tax Reform seems to be making a rally the past week to 10 days – so keep going. Progress is being made in both the Senate & House: adjusting small business tax levels both strengthens the economy & is a valid mid-course correction. And although H.B. 2785’s $2.5 billion tax cut changed last week into a $4.4 billion spending spree that measure is far from final as additional tax cuts are alive & should be passed before adjournment. Delivering on both and repealing the TIF Tax are crucial for the Senate.
3.) As for the TXU-or-any-other-utility-private-market-meddling-related-idea … doing “nothing” may prove to be the biggest “something” that’s accomplished this Session. For one of the most watched items with immeasurable state & national impacts for Texas now is the time to just let it go.
With its backtracking & gut-checking deliberations last week the Conference Committee left holding the bag on this issue was clearly struggling to reach consensus on anything which one could argue would be a tremendous accomplishment. "Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem" was the phrase Ronald Reagan used in his first Inaugural Address January 20 1981. "We will govern to ‘solve’ problems" would be a disastrous message and could forever damage Texas’ economy. The Conf. Committee should continue to come to its senses and not set unprecedented precedence.
4.) What Republicans deliver the Democrats taketh away. As was promised at the beginning of the Session – and frankly they were well on their way to delivering it until mid-April when Democrat tactics went ballistic – so much for an even-handed open & respectful Session in the House.
In the past week – and after Gov. Perry was somewhat neutralized for the Session after pushing a conservative agenda via a series of curious events – liberals have now turned their sights on the one thing standing in between them and their narcissistic desire to regain power … House Speaker Tom Craddick.
The true & real target is least of all that currently being focused upon Speaker Craddick himself.
The death at hand is that of conservative Republicans elected to govern & lead Texas.
Hide & watch – should Craddick fall Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst’s time will be next.
If after the last month there was any semblance of hope left that the liberal Democrat House Caucus really cared one iota about the substance of any policy issue being debated – and there are plenty of crucial ones still left undone – it can now be officially be noted: such is not the case.
As with most anything of significance in life – if you really want to get to the heart of an issue always always always check the motives of those involved.
All – and be under no delusions or make any mistake about it the operative word here is ALL – all the liberal House Democrat Caucus cares about is power pure & simple.
From the beginning of the Session when Craddick’s speakership was challenged partisan Democrat Caucus liberals have utilized a group of intellectually self-sufficient House Republicans (there are always a few bad apples in every bunch) to strategically distract from the real & important business at hand and execute a Session-long campaign of “a death by a thousand cuts”.
Republicans going through the mental gymnastics necessary to justify their actions are no less guilty than their Democrats puppeteers. There is no limit to the minds’ ability for self-justification or denial.
Just as Craddick and other Speakers before him are elected with a bipartisan group of members from both sides of the aisle so too are the smooth-talking liberal organizers piecing together their own cabal of solons from both sides of the aisle to dispose him. Be careful those who flatter or exercise deceit in debate.
This does not however sufficiently disguise change nor distract from the indisputable fact that the entire partisan effort has been is and will continue to be organized by out-of-power liberals. This is a partisan Republican vs. Democrat battle and those saying differently should have their motives checked too.
At the beginning of the Session three short months ago House Republicans – and especially a gracious Speaker Tom Craddick himself – offered … in fact gave his word that this would be a cordial session where relationships & trusts were respected. He promised a freer less heavy handed bipartisan run House.
No one can deny today that the Washington-style politics the Democrats for years claimed should never come to Texas is now being implemented by them. In the minds of some in Austin the ends justify the means – and if they are allowed to succeed heaven help us.
To date the most successful part of the out-of-power liberal’s campaign has been their ability to frame the entire debate under the ruse of a high-minded intellectual discussion – while deftly avoiding the elephant in the room … very pure & blatant political motives.
Aided by entrenched liberal Austin power players or by inside-Austin political writers who are more than willing to grant validity to the “criticism of the day” while flat denying the political hard-ball taking place under their noses the liberal’s blatant tactics have been allowed to be carried out without little serious public mention (curious?) and totally devoid of any honest political analysis.
Perhaps most sadly as it pertains to our esteemed legislators in Austin and in this day & age of the internet more and more Texans are watching and the ability of the average Texans to sniff out the odorous stench of self-delusional finger pointing or double-speak especially that oozing from the House is causing Texas’ voters everywhere to lose respect for the institution of the House … as well as its members.
Unless nipped in the bud that hurts only the incumbent Republican Party.
Such is the state of the House today. Unless some tough decisions are made immediately and unless House Republican leaders step forward as individuals to put their self-particular concerns aside the liberals will be emboldened to continue two more weeks of “a death by a thousand cuts” – and they may stand a chance of succeeding.
The Speaker’s chair may be the distracting focal point of the moment – but controlling the future direction of Texas is the prize. That having been said the bait is to grab the high-minded tar-babies of intellectual or procedural discussion as to why the Speaker should have done this or why did he or didn’t do that … but it only emboldens facilitates and serves to continue THEIR liberal goal to gain control & power.
Tactically one party is doing a better job of keeping their eye on the ball & distracting than the other. Intellect has no part in the debate – this is political; liberals are clearly exhibiting that fact.
Last week it was mentioned that with three weeks left enough time remained for issues – or parties – to rise or fall. The possibility for both in fact remains – especially for both political parties to fall. Some legislators come to Austin focusing on setting good policy while others appear poised to only promote their own politics of personal agenda. When decisions made under that dome impact millions of Texas citizens legislators shouldn’t play politics with Texas policies.
Having given an inch at the beginning and frankly during much of this Session it comes as no surprise that the Speaker & his fellow Republicans are under attack. Enabling certain behaviors only leads to more of it – or as a conservative philosopher once said “Government get more of what it subsidizes.” (sic)
As former Congressman Bill Archer used to say about reforming the U.S. Tax Code it must be dealt with “by ripping it out by its roots.” This is a difficult thing for decent honest and hard-working conservative Texas legislators to admit – but they can no longer afford to ignore the intent of the Democrat House liberals.
Texans prefer and have had in the past leaders who respond to crisis tame (and ideally cut back) bureaucracy and generally run the government efficiently enough that it doesn’t interfere unduly with the important business of family and-or commercial life.
These are some of the important issues that must be addressed prior to adjournment at the end of Memorial Day.
In the contact sport of politics you’re either moving forward … or you’re moving backwards.
Doing whatever is necessary – as unpleasant as it will surely be – is now the only best thing that can be done for all. In fact as much as passing any piece of legislation doing whatever is necessary could help legislators hit a home run for their constituents back home.
James B. Cardle is President & CEO of the Texas Citizen Action Network a dynamic community of Texas leaders who develop ideas brainstorm solutions & acquire the skills necessary to impact the public policy decision making process in Texas. He can be reached by visiting or by e-mailing him at