Somethings Still Rotten in Denmark

By Ken Blackwell ken-blackwellPresident Barack Obama has completed his months-long deliberations" over his latest Afghanistan policy. He got more applause from Republicans than from Democrats after his long-running Hamlet act. The Prince of Denmark was famous for his indecision: To be or not to be…" Obama was much more decisive about climate change however. He promised hope and change but when it comes to climate change we have to hope we can arrest the lethal cycles of mercury readings up and down. Climate change" is now the new buzzword. It used to be global warming." All warming all the time. But when earths atmosphere stubbornly declined to heat up the warm-mongers had to find a new term. So now its climate change. You really cant miss with that one. For sure the climate will be changing somewhere. Now references to global warming tend to be buried in the second paragraphs or better yet abbreviated as AGW. Thats short for anthropogenic global warming. AGW is also short for its your fault." Thats because Mr. Obamas Environmental Protection Agency recently declared that carbon dioxide is a toxic chemical and it does threaten the planet. Heres another hint: whenever you hear planet" reach for your wallet. Theyre coming after you. We used to talk about the world and the earth as in for God so loved the world" and especially at Christmas time peace on earth good will to men." But singling out our own planet would be not racist or sexist or speciesist" but impermissibly earth-centric. Why if you care about earth first youll be called a denier" as quick as you can say Copernicus. Fred Thompson last year did a radio commentary on the receding of the polar ice caps. He didnt invoke the horrid specter of polar bears drowning or penguins molting. Thompson simply asked about a NASA study that said the polar ice caps are recedingon Mars. If Martian ice caps are receding does that call into question AGW? Does it mean that climate change on earth might be a result of solar activity? We dont know. It may mean nothing of the kind. But the release of hacked emails from the University of East Anglias Climate Research Unit shows a mindset among the climate scientists that should give us all a chill. Corresponding with Penn State researchers the East Anglians fed all their data to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) the UNs high commission of environmental pooh-bahs. Well maybe not all their data. We may not have the baseline data on temperatures but we do have the data that has been massaged manipulated and worked over by East Anglians applying serious scientific methods they refer to in their emails as tricks" as ways to hide the decline." These East Anglians also tell us they know how to eject from their community" any doubters any scientists who are not playing ball. If these skeptics get their articles published in peer-reviewed" journals then we just blackball the journal. That was easy. Thomas Jefferson was our first Democratic President. Our first man of science in the White House Jefferson was also a founder of the American Philosophical Society. After his Presidency he founded the University of Virginia. Mr. Jefferson described his university. Here we are not afraid to follow truth wherever it may lead or to tolerate error so long as reason is left free to combat it." That open-mindedness is alien to the East Anglians. Also alien to them is the idea of a deity. Jefferson took many of his philosophical ideas from the French Enlightenment but he rejected their atheism. You could tell the world was created Jefferson said; it was obvious from the intelligence in the design." To the East Anglians and all those leaders who are gathering in Copenhagen the underlying assumption is that weve got the whole world in our handssorry planet-- that we are the ones heating its atmosphere or at least changing it and that we are the ones who can and must stop what we are doing. Any resistance to their plans for global governance must be crushedjust as you run neo-Nazis out of the public square. The East Anglians would also be appalled by Mr. Jeffersons First Inaugural Address.  He concluded with a prayer: May that Infinite Power which rules the destinies of the universe lead our councils to what is best and give them a favorable issue for your peace and prosperity." To acknowledge that there is a God above us who has infinite power who rules the destinies of the universe who leads in our councils is something you will never see in a Copenhagen summit. Its why I think theres something rotten in Denmark. Mr. Blackwell a contributing editor at is a senior fellow at the Family Research Council and American Civil Rights Union
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