Southwest Voters Project Hiring Workers in Dallas Area for Su Voz Es Su Voto

To Start Work Phone Banks width=71Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN Texas Texas State Representative Roberto R. Alonzo today announced the Southwest Voter Registration Education Project (SVREP) and its Su Voz Es Su Voto effort is hiring phone bank workers & field organizers to help turn out the Latino voters for the November 2 2010 elections in the Dallas/North Texas region specifically in the Oak Cliff Irving & surrounding communities.  Work starts immediately and runs through November 2 2010 at 7:00 pm.  For more information on the job openings people can call direct at (210) 922-0225 or write at   Not only is this an ideal job for students retired individuals those looking for extra income for the holidays and other activists who want to make a difference but it is also a grand opportunity to get involved in the political process and participate in a non-partisan fashion and make a difference in the community said Rep. Alonzo.  The SVREP is a non-partisan organization.  SVREPs mission is to empower Latinos and other minorities by increasing their participation in the American democratic process.  SVREP does this by strengthening the capacity experience and skills of Latino leaders networks and organizations through programs that consistently train organize finance development expand and mobilize Latino leaders and voters around an agenda that reflects their values.  Thus SVREPs motto: Su Voto Es Su Voz (Your Vote is Your Voice). Bilingual persons (English/Spanish) are preferred for the jobs.  Workers will work anywhere between 30-40 hours.  Workers will help send the message to Washington DC Congress statewide officials that the Latino community will cast their votes for jobs better education for the Latino youth and legalization of the immigrant community. SVREP registered 2.5 million Latino voters trained over 100000 Latino leaders and won 80 voting rights lawsuits since it opened its doors in 1974.  The largest and oldest organization of its kind nonpartisan SVREP is committed to political empowerment of the Latino community.
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