Nonprofit to create 71 jobs for low income residents over the next 3 years
Published 12-7-07
Published 12-7-07

The funding is a Community Economic Development Grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families Office of Community Services designed to support projects that address economic self-sufficiency of distressed communities by awarding funds to community development corporations (CDCs) to create employment and business development opportunities. Southwest Key Programs is one of forty-four CDCs across the nation to receive this award.
The program will provide continuous job training and retention services and encourage career progression to Supervisor/Crew Leader. Southwest Key is working with other agencies such as the WorkSource Career Center and Travis County Domestic Relations to recruit low income individuals into the 71 jobs.
“Southwest Key Maintenance will benefit the residents of Govalle/Johnston Terrace a high poverty neighborhood and surrounding low-income communities in East Austin by creating entry-level jobs with opportunities to advance and move toward self-sufficiency” says the organization’s founder and CEO Dr. Juan Snchez.
“We are providing job opportunities right here where East Austinites live and work. This revitalization program will set the stage for lasting economic benefits.”
Austin-based Southwest Key Programs the third largest nonprofit in the city is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year with the grand opening of the new 30000 square foot East Austin Community Development Center where the Southwest Key Maintenance job creation program will be housed.
The grant will capitalize Southwest Key Maintenance a social enterprise owned by the nonprofit through which all jobs will be created. Southwest Key Maintenance will provide a range of commercial maintenance janitorial and landscaping services to Central Texas businesses at competitive prices.
This center is located at 6002 Jain Lane right next to Johnston High School in central East Austin. The public facility is home to the Boys & Girls Club Southwest Key Caf del Sol the AMD Community Technology Center a 150-seat amphitheater and a variety of free programs and courses for youth and adults.
Designed by COTERAREED Architects project architects for Austin City Hall and the Austin Hilton the mixed use facility is based on ancient Mayan architectural principles and also houses Southwest Key’s national headquarters bringing over 70 professional jobs to the community.
The center’s official Grand Opening Celebration event will be held on March 29 2008.
“We are providing job opportunities right here where East Austinites live and work. This revitalization program will set the stage for lasting economic benefits.”
Austin-based Southwest Key Programs the third largest nonprofit in the city is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year with the grand opening of the new 30000 square foot East Austin Community Development Center where the Southwest Key Maintenance job creation program will be housed.
The grant will capitalize Southwest Key Maintenance a social enterprise owned by the nonprofit through which all jobs will be created. Southwest Key Maintenance will provide a range of commercial maintenance janitorial and landscaping services to Central Texas businesses at competitive prices.

Designed by COTERAREED Architects project architects for Austin City Hall and the Austin Hilton the mixed use facility is based on ancient Mayan architectural principles and also houses Southwest Key’s national headquarters bringing over 70 professional jobs to the community.
The center’s official Grand Opening Celebration event will be held on March 29 2008.
Southwest Key Programs is a nonprofit organization established to keep youth out of institutions reunify families and strengthen the fabric of the communities in which they live.
Today in its 20th year of operation Southwest Key positively impacts the lives of thousands of individuals each day with juvenile justice programs shelters for unaccompanied immigrant children alternative schools wraparound services youth empowerment programs job creation workforce development and child care brokerage.
As a community development corporation Southwest Key has recently opened the mixed use East Austin Community Development Center a model initiative to prevent youth delinquency and build the capacity of families and communities. Southwest Key is funded through a variety of government agencies corporate and private foundations.
Founder and CEO Dr. Juan Snchez was among the first Chicanos to receive his doctorate from the School of Education at Harvard University and is available for interviews by appointment at 512-583-2509 or
For more information visit
Today in its 20th year of operation Southwest Key positively impacts the lives of thousands of individuals each day with juvenile justice programs shelters for unaccompanied immigrant children alternative schools wraparound services youth empowerment programs job creation workforce development and child care brokerage.
As a community development corporation Southwest Key has recently opened the mixed use East Austin Community Development Center a model initiative to prevent youth delinquency and build the capacity of families and communities. Southwest Key is funded through a variety of government agencies corporate and private foundations.
Founder and CEO Dr. Juan Snchez was among the first Chicanos to receive his doctorate from the School of Education at Harvard University and is available for interviews by appointment at 512-583-2509 or
For more information visit