“Today is National Hunger Awareness Day and I am proud of the impact the Texans Feeding Texans program has had in fighting hunger in our state” Commissioner Staples said. “I am extremely grateful the Texas Legislature has quadrupled the funding of this very important program.”
Implemented by the 77th Texas Legislature in 2001 the Texans Feeding Texans program – formerly known as the Surplus Agricultural Product Grant Program – helps offset the cost of harvesting gleaning and transporting Texas-grown products to the state’s food banks. Since its beginning the program has helped distribute more than 20 million pounds of Texas products to 18 member food banks one food rescue organization and their combined 3600 agencies.
“There is a natural partnership between agriculture and food banks and since 2001 Texas farmers and ranchers have been helping hungry families across the state and the food banks that serve them” Commissioner Staples said.
Commissioner Staples made the announcement at the Capital Area Food Bank of Texas’ second annual Gift of Produce event in Austin. The commissioner helped load produce onto trucks that partner agencies took back to their clients.
The Texas Food Bank Network which solicited donations from Texas growers has received grants from TDA’s program. America’s Second Harvest the parent organization of the Texas Food Bank Network provided a match of 3 cents per pound to extend the grant.
“We are thrilled with the enthusiastic support this program has received from Commissioner Staples and farmers and ranchers across the state” said Barbara Anderson state director for the Texas Food Bank Network. “Now in addition to fruits and vegetables we can offer other nutritious products such as rice peanut butter beef and venison as basics for healthy meal preparation to those we serve.”
In 2006 America’s Second Harvest evaluated the needs of Texas food banks and found more food banks were resorting to food purchases to supplement donations and rising transportation costs were limiting access to fresh produce and perishable commodities.
“The additional funding will allow Texas food banks and other charitable organizations to stretch their resources even further” Commissioner Staples said. “It also will help our farmers and ranchers put more healthy nutritious food on the tables of the Texans who need it the most. It is Texans feeding Texans at its best.”