State Board of Education Members Endorse Mike Pearce

Republican Leaders Mercer & Lowe Join Other Conservatives In Supporting Former Teacher

Published: 12-18-07

HARKER HEIGHTS TEXAS (December 17 2007) – Mike Pearce Republican candidate for House District 55 (part of Bell County) announced the key endorsements of Republican State Board of Education members Ken Mercer and Gail Lowe.  Mercer a former member of the Texas House of Representatives represents southern Bell County.  Lowe represents the northern half of Bell County. 

Gail Lowe said “Mike Pearce is exactly the kind of dedicated committed and principled conservative we need in Austin.  As a former classroom teacher for 10 years Mike Pearce understands the challenges we face in providing a quality education for our public school students.”  Mercer added “Central Texas families can be proud of Mike Pearce’s proven leadership in supporting strong standards for educational excellence and preparing our precious children for the future.” 
Pearce recently authored an Opinion Editorial column on the controversial college readiness standards proposed by the Higher Education Coordinating Board.  The column has been widely published in newspapers across the state and is available on the campaign web site at

Mercer and Lowe’s support for Pearce’s campaign comes on the heels of an endorsement from Texas Eagle Forum PAC the state’s leading conservative pro-life and pro-family organization.  Pearce’s campaign has also been endorsed by Peggy Venable the State Director of American’s for Prosperity.  To date Pearce is the only candidate who has signed the “Taxpayer Protection Pledge” which calls for more fiscal responsibility in government spending. 

Pearce thanked the education leaders for their support and said “I’m proud of this endorsement because they and many other conservative political leaders know that I’ll stand up to the ‘business as usual’ crowd in Austin and fight hard for improved education.  As I travel across the district I’m overwhelmed by the outpouring of support and our campaign is gaining momentum every day.” 

Mike Pearce a former U.S. Marine taught in Bell County public schools for 10 years and received exemplary reviews for his innovative teaching methods from students parents and administrators.  Pearce recently founded an educational software company that sells to teachers in 28 states.  Mike has been married to his high school sweetheart Melanie for over 17 years and they are the proud parents of 6 wonderful children: Arianna Alexandra Evan Reganne Jillian and Laura.
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