State Needs Renewable Energy Goals

width=65State should set goal for how much electricity comes from solar power & non- greenhouse gas sources By Sen. Watson
Ive written before about this bill Senate Bill 541.  It creates whats known as a Renewable Portfolio Standard or RPS for non-wind sources of renewable energy. In English that means the state would set a goal for how much of our electricity comes from solar power and other sources that wont emit greenhouse gases (were the countrys leading emitter of carbon dioxide).  And in doing so wed save Texas families money. The RPS has been like green-colored rocket fuel for the wind energy industry in Texas.  Since we created the first one back in 2001 the state has shattered its goals for wind power generation becoming the leading producer of it in the country. With the rising profile of solar power improving technology and a boatload of federal carrots and sticks to encourage renewable energy its the best possible time to take the next step and position Texas as a leader in the 21st Century energy industry. The Public Utility Commission reported in January that wind energy is reducing the overall cost of electricity in Texas.  Solar should do that even more since it will be more readily available at times when energy is the most expensive during the hottest part of the day.  Plus when considered in the context of federal taxes on greenhouse gas emissions theres a significant net savings by generating more renewable energy. Its sort of like paying the  $19.99 for an oil change on your car every 3000 miles.  Sure it costs you $19.99 but it creates a net savings as your car runs more efficiently and avoids additional repairs.  Plus you dont have to buy a new car as soon because you took common-sense steps that addressed your future needs. But despite this obvious logic and track record S.B. 541 has been running quite a while. width=75 I filed it in January.  It was referred to committee until February.  It was heard in March.  Then it was voted out of committee at the end of last month. And finally last Monday we got it up in the Senate where it passed 24-7. I feel great about that vote but dont let it fool you Ive never worked harder passing a bill. A lot of people worked hard addressing the legitimate concerns and improvements that businesses consumers and utilities brought up getting folks to think creatively about how to encourage renewable energy and helping people see how important these kinds of initiatives will be as the country gets more and more serious about fighting climate change. How a legislature becomes a racetrack So now the bill needs to rush through the House before the session wraps up in two weeks. Its not going to be easy it never is when you only have a few months every two years to build consensus around big ideas.  But the good news is that this is a really really good idea and its the right time for it. Texas has a deserved hard-won reputation as being the world capital for the energy industry.  But that industry is changing and if we want to keep leading we have to seize opportunities the way we did decades ago to stay ahead of it. Weve never lacked for audacity in this state particularly outside the Capitol and weve never shied from change or from leadership.  Thats a legacy that gives me a lot of hope.
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