State Poised to Take the Lead In Prohibiting State-Fed Office from Hiring Lobbyi

Published: 05-16-07

AUSTIN – State legislators are poised to enact legislation which would prohibit the State-Federal Office from hiring lobbyists.  AFP-Texas applauds this legislation. 

Rep. Jim Dunnam D-Waco is reported to have said “We have 32 congressmen two senators and a President from Texas. If we still need a lobbyist we’re in a world of hurt.”

“Texas must be in a world of hurt Rep. Dunnam” said AFP-Texas director Peggy Venable.  “We have 180 legislators representing every inch of Texas and yet over $50 million tax dollars are estimated to be spent by cities counties school districts and their associations lobbying the state legislature.  In comparison a half million state tax dollars are spent lobbying in DC.”
“I have not seen the legislature rushing to prohibit local taxing entities and their associations’ use of our tax dollars for lobbying” said Venable.

“If passed into law this legislation would end federal lobbying by the state.  This is a start.  But that is just a fraction of what is spent in Austin lobbying the state legislature.  Now we must roll up our sleeves and eliminate taxpayer-funded lobbying in Texas.  Legislators need to do right by Texas taxpayers and use the same fervor in eliminating those taxpayer-funded lobby efforts” said Venable.  AFP has actively advocated elimination of taxpayer-funded lobbying. 

As background:
The Office of State-Federal Relations advocates for federal funding and policies favorable to Texas.  Texas is among 35 states with a federal office presence and all but the Texas office report directly to their respective governors.  The office was up for sunset review this year and the Sunset Review Commission issued recommendations many of which were incorporated in the legislation SB 903. 

SB 903 is authored by Sen. Kim Brimer who also serves as Chairman of the Sunset Advisory Commission and sponsored in the House by Rep. Lois Kolkhorst who is a member of that Commission.  It has passed the Senate and pass on second reading in the House today.

Currently nothing in Texas law prohibits the State-Fed Office from contracting with consultants to lobby Congress.  According to the Sunset Commission Report the office currently has two firms on retainer responsible for lobbying:  The Federalist Group at $10000 and Cassidy and Associates at $15000. 

The legislation as proposed would require taxing jurisdictions hiring federal lobbyists to report that information to the State-Fed Office.  The Office would then post that information on their website. 

According to the Commission other Texas government entities that have lobbyists in DC include San Antonio Lubbock Houston Dallas Corpus Christi Beaumont Austin and Abilene as well as Dallas and Harris County and other taxing entities including universities DFT Airport the Texas Department of Transportation and the Lower Colorado River Authority. 

The Sunset Advisory Commission Report is available online at:
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