State Representative Robert Miklos this week endorsed John saying that he is uniquely qualified to help meet the challenges facing middle-class families in the fast-growing East Dallas County communities that Rep. Miklos represents.
John understands how to balance budgets without sacrificing the vital public services our families demand and deserve Rep. Miklos (D-Mesquite) said.
A former prosecutor and member of the Criminal Jurisprudence and Urban Affairs Committees Rep. Miklos said Johns record of finding ways for government to do more and cost less is exactly what Washington needs.
John has helped public school districts keep their doors opened and local police departments streamline their operations and prior to college tuition deregulation his prepaid college tuition plan made college more affordable for thousands of Texas families Miklos said. We know we can count on him to go to work each day and do his very best to make our communities stronger.
Houston Black American Democrats Endorse John!
One of the states most respected community groups the Houston Black American Democrats gave its enthusiastic support to John by a more than two-to-one margin over the runner-up during the groups endorsement meeting week before last.
Even though we dont know yet when this special election will take place we do know one thing - John Sharp is the best candidate for our community and for Texas said Ms. Doris Hubbard the groups legendary godmother. If there were more people like John in public office I believe the city and state we love so much would be in better shape.
John said he was deeply honored by the groups strong show of support.
Like the members of the Houston Black American Democrats I will show up every day in the United States Senate and do my very best to make a positive difference John said.
John Talks energy Independence in Temple
John is special guest tonight at the Heart of Texas Electric Coop annual meeting in Temple - a good chance to hear the former chairman of the states energy agency discuss the urgent need for a national energy policy.
Texas can take our rightful place as the traditional energy leader by charting the next course of alternative energy technologies and innovative self-sufficiency John says. The industries are here and they work. Texas companies can and should lead the nation in sustainable and domestic energy and natural gas should be the fuel of choice for our nations truck fleets.