(DALLAS) State Representative and Iraq War Veteran Allen Vaught will have a part in the movie Green Zone which releases in theaters Friday March 12 2010. Green Zone is directed by Paul Greengrass whose works include other films such as The Bourne Ultimatum United 93 and The Bourne Supremacy.
The cast includes Matt Damon Greg Kinnear Amy Ryan and Jason Isaacs. The movie is unique in that it incorporates many Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans as actors in an effort to add authenticity to the film.
The film is based on the book Imperial Life in the Emerald City" which was written by Rajiv Chandrasekaran the former Baghdad Bureau Chief of The Washington Post.
Vaught and Chandrasekaran first met in Iraq in the summer of 2003 during an interview about operations in Fallujah. Vaughts association with Green Zone began in 2007 when he was contacted about technical matters such as uniforms and other historical aspects of the war.
He was eventually offered a part in the film as a staff officer in a briefing scene.
Said Vaught of the movie It was a great honor to have a small part in the Green Zone. I have not seen the entire film but I expect it will be a great tribute to veterans of the Iraq War. I applaud Paul Greengrass for incorporating so many Iraq and Afghanistan combat veterans in the film."
While my character is completely fictional and has nothing to do with who I was as a soldier or my actual role in the Iraq War Paul did let me name my character after my son Jonathan Vaught. That was very

special to me and something that I hope Jonathan will appreciate when he is a few years older. Our daughter Morgan was born after filming so we might have a problem there unless there is a sequel."
Vaught served as a captain in the U.S. Army Reserves Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command. He saw combat operations in Fallujah and Sadr City in 2003 and 2004.
Vaught was the de facto mayor of Fallujah during the early months of Operation Iraqi Freedom. He was eventually injured in a roadside bomb in Sadr City and discharged from the Army.
His commendations include the Purple Heart Combat Action Badge and Valorous Unit Award.
Rep. Vaught currently serves as the Vice Chairman of the House Committee on Defense and Veterans Affairs. First elected in 2006 he represents areas of East Dallas including Lakewood Lake Highlands Garland and Mesquite.