State Representative Angie Chen Button Files Amendment to Strengthen Voter ID Law and Eliminate Objections to the Bill

width=65(AUSTIN TX) - Representative Angie Chen Button has filed an amendment to SB 362 the Voter ID bill to address objections by bill opponents. Rep Buttons amendment addresses the incorrect transliteration of names which is a common problem encountered by some Asian voters. Some bill opponents have given that issue as a reason to vote against the bill entirely. Some have put forward transliteration problems as a reason to oppose the bill said Button. But that does not need to be the case. This issue is something that can be handled easily with a simple amendment. And that is what I have done. Voter ID is a very important piece of legislation and the vote will be close said Button. My amendment will strengthen it. The peoples voice expressed through voting is the foundation on which our country was built. This celebrated right is at the very base of our great state and our country. Every time an illegal vote is cast a law-abiding citizen loses a part of his or her voice. This is why I support this legislation so strongly. And this is why I am offering this amendment to eliminate one more objection of opponents. The Vote ID bill SB 362 is currently bogged down with stall tactics in the Texas House. The Button amendment adds a training requirement for poll workers on appropriate practices for accepting a voter. The amendment will better prepare poll workers to handle such issues as the transliteration of names cultural mores and linguistic variation. The amendment then allows an election judge to accept a vote if the information on the identification presented is a reasonable representation of the name on the poll list. .
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