Fort Bend Republican leader to seek eighth term in Texas House
Published: 10-23-07
Published: 10-23-07

In announcing his reelection campaign Representative Howard cited the hundreds of phone calls and personal visits he has received from his constituents urging him to strongly consider seeking the Republican nomination for the United States Congress in the 22nd District of Texas which is currently held by Democrat Incumbent Nick Lampson.
“I am humbled and honored by the large outpouring of support I have received from so many people who live and work in Fort Bend County who have asked me to seek election to the United States Congress” Representative Howard said. “I have strongly examined a potential race for the Congress where I could take my leadership skills and experience to our nation’s capitol and put them to work on behalf of the people of Fort Bend County.
After prayerful consideration I feel I can best serve my constituents by continuing my work in the Texas Legislature. I am proud of my record of leadership in the Texas House where I have earned the trust of my colleagues and where I have gained the seniority and the leadership positions needed to be a strong advocate for my constituents and a strong voice in defense of their values. It is truly gratifying to know that so many good people here in Fort Bend County appreciate my work on their behalf” Howard added.
Howard who is one of the twenty-five most senior Republicans in the 150 member Texas House of Representatives serves as a member of Speaker Tom Craddick’s leadership team and is the Chairman of the Local & Consent Calendars Committee a position that gives him direct responsibility and oversight over thousands of bills considered by the legislature each session—more than any other member of the House of Representatives. As the Chair of the eleven member committee Howard reviews each and every bill that is considered by the Texas House that has local or regional implications.
“I am proud that Speaker Craddick has entrusted me to lead this important committee which oversees legislation that impacts millions of Texans and which oftentimes has tremendous fiscal implications to our state and local communities” said Howard. “Every time my committee considers whether or not to place a piece of legislation on the calendar I personally review and consider the impact that doing so will have on the citizens of our state. As a fiscal conservative my position as Chairman of this committee gives me a unique opportunity to protect the interest of Texas taxpayers” Representative Howard added.
Chairman Howard who is an engineer businessman and a real estate developer also serves as a member of the Local Government Ways and Means Committee in the Texas House. As a member of this committee which oversees all bills and resolutions concerning county municipal school district and special purpose districts and their ability to impose or increase property taxes sales and use taxes and other taxes and fees Howard has helped lead the fight to bring about real and meaningful property tax relief for Texas families.
“I am proud of the role I have played as the ‘Taxpayers Watch Dog’ on this important committee” Howard said. “I have helped lead the fight against dozens of bills that would have increased the tax burden on Texas families and small business owners. I look forward to returning as a senior member of this committee so that I can continue to be a leader in the fight for spending caps appraisal district reforms and other measures which will help lower taxes and make the American dream of homeownership come true for even more Texas families” added Howard.
Chairman Howard also serves as member of the Elections Committee in the Texas House where he has been an outspoken leader in the fight against election fraud and a strong and effective advocate for protecting the sanctity of the election process in our state.
“One of the most precious freedoms we enjoy as Americans is the right to choose our own destiny by choosing our elected leaders” said Chairman Howard. “When that right is abused through fraud deceit and corruption it weakens our state and our nation. I am proud of my record in helping fight election fraud and abuse and in so doing helping to ensure that those who are in our country illegally are prevented from participating in the election process which defines our American character” Representative Howard added.
A community and business leader Representative Howard is a past Chamber of Commerce President and he was a founding director of the Fort Bend Economic Development Council. He helped lead the creation of the First Colony Development and he is credited with helping guide the economic development of Sugarland and Fort Bend County by bringing many new businesses to the area and helping to create thousands of new jobs. Howard has consistently been endorsed by the state’s leading business groups including the Texas Association and the National Federation of Independent Business.
Representative Howard has also been instrumental in the establishment of the University of Houston’s Sugarland Campus and he pushed through key legislation that helped pave the way for the creation of a joint program between Wharton County Junior College and the Texas State Technical College that provides new educational and vocational opportunities to Fort Bend area young people. He is recognized as a strong proponent for strengthening our public schools and helping to ensure that more education dollars flow directly to the classroom where they can be spent on increasing teacher’s salaries and enhancing our student’s educational opportunities.
Howard is also credited by area leaders for his work to reduce traffic congestion and improve mobility through his efforts to widen US Highway 59 and through his work with local state and federal leaders to accelerate improvements to US Highway 90A and Highway 6. In the legislature he has helped lead the fight to ensure that Fort Bend County taxpayers are not taxed twice by being forced to pay tolls for existing roadways already constructed using tax dollars.
Even though Charlie Howard is recognized across the state as a leading fiscal conservative and an advocate for Texas taxpayers he is even better known as one of the legislature’s leading champions for Texas families. A father of two and the grandfather of four Chairman Howard is one of strongest voices in Texas in defense of the traditional values of faith family and freedom which have made our state and nation strong.
“While I am proud of my record of leadership in the Texas Legislature in ending waste and inefficiency reducing the size and scope of state government and lowering the tax burden on Texans I am most proud of the work I have done to help protect and strengthen our state’s families” said Howard.
Representative Howard has been a leader in the Texas Legislature in defense of traditional marriage and he is recognized as a leading voice in the fight to protect the sanctity of human life. He has also been a tireless advocate in fighting to rid our communities of adult oriented businesses and in helping keep our families and neighborhoods safe from sexual predators and other violent offenders by strengthening the laws against those who would harm our children.
His record of leadership in the Texas House has been recognized by countless leading conservative organizations across our state including the Texas Free Market Foundation which gave him their “Leader of Excellence Award” the American Family Association which named Howard “Outstanding Legislator” for 1997 and the Heritage Alliance which gave him their “2007 Conservative Leadership Award.”
“As I travel across our great state I tell people that my success is due to the people who have invested their time in my life. My success in the Texas House of Representatives is no different. It is due to my wife Jo and to my children and grandchildren. It is due to my legislative colleagues with whom I serve. Most importantly it is due to the people of District 26 who have given me the great honor of allowing me to represent their interests in Austin. I have worked hard to merit their trust and I humbly ask them to allow me to continue to be their voice in the Texas Legislature” Representative Howard concluded.