While I know there are widely varying opinions about Voter ID" please remember that the Block" is not from the folks on the list not wishing to suspend the rules of the House.
I respect Parliamentary Procedure and always abide by the Rules of the Texas House. It is important to note that if this suspension occurs every single bill on the 28-page Calendar could be considered eligible for taking out of order which will inevitably kill the majority of the remaining bills.
Today will began the third day of delays by the very folks doing the blocking who are now demanding that we change the rules they have been using to delay. I am a veteran and honored to presently serve in the Texas State Guard working alongside many other veterans when called upon a wide variety of missions in direct support to civilian authorities. I fully support and intend to vote for SB 469.
The House of Representatives operates under a set of rules which the Members themselves develop and approve every session. The folks opposed to Voter ID" have chosen to use those rules to block a vote on this issue. That is their right. They have exercised that right. The other members have respected that right and patiently listen until after midnight each night while the rules are followed and the chubbing" continues to block the vote.
We all are losing important issues while the process continues. Please remember that as painful as this process is for all of us this was a tactic carefully planned by folks who now demand an exception to the very rules that have insured their right to use this tactic.