State Representative Nathan Macias Wins 2 Key Endorsements

Published: 02-13-08

width=65Endorsed by Texas Alliance for Life Political Action Committee
Texas Alliance for Life Political Action Committee has announced their enthusiastic endorsement of State Representative Nathan Macias.

In the endorsement announcement the groups Executive Director Joe Pojman said “Our decision to support your campaign is based on your dedicated support for pro-life issues such as requiring parental consent for abortions on minor girls promoting adult stem cell research and limiting tax funding for biomedical research that destroys human embryos support for informed consent for women considering abortion and prenatal protection for unborn children.”

Said Macias of this coveted endorsement “I am so pleased and honored to receive the support of the Alliance for Life. I am extremely dedicated to fighting for the rights of the innocent and unborn.”

The Alliance for Life endorsement is the most recent in a steady outpouring of support from conservative organizations who have stepped forward to recognize Representative Macias’ outstanding legislative record.

Macias is running for re-election to the 73rd House District which includes the counties of Bandera Comal Gillespie and Kendall counties. The primary election will be held on March 4th. Early voting begins February 19 and continues through February 29 at all county courthouses.

Macias Endorsed by Texas Association of Realtors
State Representative Nathan Macias has received yet another significant endorsement this time from the Texas Association of Realtors.

Said Macias of this recognition “I am honored to have the endorsement of the 90000 members of the Texas Association of Realtors. As small business owners Texas Realtors make the dream of homeownership more affordable for all Texans and I will strive to help support this important goal.”

In their endorsement notice the Realtors group noted Representative Macias’ understanding of homeowners’ concerns his support for property rights and his unwavering desire to help more Texans realize the dream of homeownership.

Association Chairman Randy Jeffers said “Nathan Macias has vowed to represent the concerns of Texas homeowners which is why the Texas Association of Realtors has pledged its full support and endorsement.”

Nathan Macias is running for re-election in the 73rd House District which includes Bandera Comal Gillespie and Kendall counties. The election will be on March 4th. Voters may vote early at county courthouses February 19 through February 29.

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