HB 1299 Will Fund Critical Veterans Needs

AUSTIN - Today State Senator Leticia Van De Putte and State Representative Chris Turner were joined by Texas veterans leaders for a press conference today to discuss House Bill 1299 which would create a funding mechanism for the Permanent Fund for Veterans Assistance (FVA).
The FVA was created by Legislature in 2007 to aid those who served our nation in uniform as well as their families. Since its creation the fund has received very little financial assistance; in fact to date the fund has just over $11000 in the cofers. After an upcoming $10000 expenditure for a county grant to aid veterans who must travel far distances for medical care they fund will be left with just over $1000.
With over 1.7 million veterans in Texas we must honor their service and sacrifice by providing the resources and the support they have earned continued Turner. By providing a meaningful source of revenue for the Fund for Veterans Assistance we can provide needed job placement health care and other services to those who have worn our nations uniform.
The need for new funding for Texas veterans was evident recently when eight Texas service members who has just returned from Iraq and Afghanistan were finally home with their families only to lose their houses to wildfires. Many of these veterans were still getting back on their feet here at home and had turned to veterans organizations for help. If the funding was available the Permanent Fund for Veterans Assistance would be an ideal source to assist these veterans. However because the Fund has no revenue veterans advocates have had to look to other states for assistance and has had difficulty raising the funds needed to help these brave men and women and their families.
This fund will not repay the debt we owe our veterans who have served our nation in uniform Turner said. We cant put a price tag on the incredible sacrifices these brave men and women have made to protect our freedom. But by passing this bill we can provide our veterans some help they need and have earned.
HB 1299 and its Senate companion SB 421 by Senators Van De Putte and Chris Harris would create a single lottery scratch-off game the revenue generated by the game would benefit the Permanent Fund for Veterans Assistance. The Legislative Budget Board projects that the single scratch-off game would mean an economic impact for the Permanent Fund for Veterans Assistance in the amount of over $5 million the first year and at least $8 million each year after.
HB 1299 passed out of the House Committee on Licensing and Administration with a unanimous vote and is currently awaiting placement on the General State Calendar by the House Committee on Calendars. The Senate companion Senate Bill 421 by Senators Van De Putte and Harris has been referred to the Senate Committee on State Affairs