Published: 05-29-07

The final weeks were critical to legislative issues that many legislators worked on during the previous 3 months. Because of the disruption brought on by those who injected other personal ambition their personal animosity and their personal petty politics into the House at this critical time many legislators were denied the opportunity to fully represent the citizens of their respective districts and of the State of Texas.
This was an attempt by some to create havoc and deadlock for which they can offer themselves or their surrogates as an answer to the problems they created. The Constitution of the State of Texas says "The House of Representatives shall when it first assembles organize temporarily and thereupon proceed to the election of a speaker from its members."
House Rules Chapter B Section 18 states "During the regular session of the legislature a member may not solicit written pledges from other members for their support of or promise to vote for any person for the office of speaker."
It is my belief that those who do not want the current speaker to remain Speaker or who want to run for or support someone else for Speaker should take their actions during the time the House is out of session.
To contact State Representative Jim Jackson at the Capitol: Phone: 512-463-0468 Address: P.O. Box 2910 Austin Texas 78768-2910. In the District: Phone: 972-416-7698 Address: 1120 Metrocrest Drive #107 Carrollton Texas 75006.