By Gina Parker-Ford
Published: 10-04-07
Published: 10-04-07

This is a huge problem for religious entities like church-related charities and Christian schools which view homosexuality in direct opposition to their belief system. The bill lamely attempts to remedy this concern with a clause of “religious exclusion” that does precious little to protect faith-based organizations.
Under the clause a homosexual could not be hired as a religion teacher at a Christian school but could be hired to teach any number of other classes such as biology and algebra. If these institutions were to refuse to hire homosexuals the consequences would be dire. The loss of the tax-exempt status that these organizations rely on to offset operating costs and other expenses would crush them. To punish these groups through such revocation would be blatantly unconstitutional!
Supporters of ENDA claim the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as a rallying point although sexual preference is not a constitutionally protected right under the legal proposition of “equal protection.” The Act which works as a sort of “equal protection” in the business world protects against a bias of race ethnicity and/or gender in the workplace. All of the aforementioned qualifiers are “inherent” traits that warrant protection as opposed to a “lifestyle choice” that is in direct conflict with the moral majority.
Matt Barber of Concerned Women for America notes that the bill is “The Emperor’s New Clothes meets George Orwell” and that “this bill pits the government directly against religion which is unconstitutional on its face.” Homosexuals do not constitute a legitimate “class” that deserves a set of “equal rights.” This may have something to do with ENDA not passing muster previously; it was introduced and shot down in the 1970s; then re-introduced in 1996 and was defeated in the Senate.
A vote is planned this week which will determine if this bill will pass to the next level. If this legislation passes groups from your local Christian school to the Boy Scouts of America could lose their right to operate their organizations in accordance to their beliefs.
President Reagan wisely said “The majority of Americans want what those first Americans wanted: A better life for themselves and their children; a minimum of government authority.” Striking down this bill is a great exercise in a “minimum of government authority” one that will preserve things that do better our lives. This bill has been voted down twice before; there’s no reason it shouldn’t be voted down again. Please call your Congressman immediately and urge him/her to vote down this dangerous and unconstitutional bill.
Gina Parker Ford !CEO of Dental Creations Ltd. a dental manufacturing company and a successful attorney ! is the National Eagle Forum Chairman for Judicial Reform. Mrs. Ford also served as a Bush and Perry appointee to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation. She serves on the American Family Radio Advisory Board (Texas) and she was both the former Republican Party of Texas Treasurer and Associate General Counsel. For more information please visit