These five states agencies must be dissolved by September 2010: Office of Public Insurance Counsel Texas Department of Transportation Texas Department of Insurance Texas Racing Commission and the Texas State Affordable Housing Corp. Texas lawmakers failed yesterday to approve a safety-net measure that would allow these five state agencies to continue operating and many now speculate that Governor Rick Perry will call a special session to address the issue.
I dont think anybody is dying to come back to Austin said Perry during a morning press conference earlier today But a special session is always an option.
The chaos began after the House missed Sundays midnight deadline to approve legislation pertaining to these agencies.
With no legislation in place these agencies must close by the Fall of 2010.
House lawmakers however passed a resolution Monday to allow the departments to continue functioning. The resolution passed with 111-29 vote and was sent to the Senate.
Problem solved right? The House thought so as it adjourned and began celebrating the end of session with various events and celebrations.
But the Senate objected to the resolution. Senators upset that the House had failed to pass legislation allowing for $2 billion worth of transportation bonds began to speak against the resolution.

The House wrecked the TxDOT budget said Senator Steve Ogden (R-Bryan) calling the resolution preposterous. Both sides of the aisle felt the frustration as Senator Leticia Van de Putte (D-San Antonio) asked Just because the House acted irresponsibly does that mean we have to drag the Senate into it too?"
The Senate chose not be dragged into it.
Instead the Senate approved a new resolution dealing with the bond issue that they sent back to the House.
We sent it over. ... We were talking with them. Then they just adjourned said Ogden. There was nothing else we could do.
After debating well into the night the Senate was unable to find a solution finally adjourning with speculation that Perry will call them into special session later this Summer.
We have forced the governor to call us back said Van de Putte.
Perry spokesperson Allison Castle responded late yesterday evening to questions about the agencies Tonights action in the Senate will not impact the business of state agencies. These agencies will continue to conduct business as usual and serve the people of Texas. This has been a successful legislative session and there is still important business to take care of during the next 20 days of evaluating legislation that has passed this session."