Supporting the Victims of the Fort Hood Tragedy

BBB Offers Resources for Consumers to Aid Families Affected by the Shootings ft-hood-memorialAustin TX Individuals across the country are looking for ways to help support the victims and families affected by last weeks tragedy at Fort Hood.  Initially supporters were encouraged to donate blood to help victims.  As options for monetary donations in support of victims and their families become available it is important to understand exactly where and how your funds will be used. memorial33BBB serving Central Coastal and Southwest Texas reminds consumers that while there are many opportunities to provide support there may be misleading or malicious solicitors seeking to take advantage of national headlines and generous individuals. BBB offers the following tips for give wise giving:
  • Be cautious of appeals that are long on emotion but short on describing what the charity will do.
  • If you contribute do not give cash.  Make a check or money order out to the name of the charitable organization not to the individual collecting the donation.
  • Watch out for excessive pressure for on-the-spot donations or requests to send a runner" to pick up your donation.
  • Be wary of charities that are reluctant to answer reasonable questions about their operations finances and programs.  Ask how much of your gift will be used for the activity mentioned in the appeal and how much will go toward other programs and administrative and fundraising costs.
BBBs Charity Resources Web site provides additional information and tips to help donors give wisely. Officials at Fort Hood have announced the following opportunities for the public to donate to various agencies on the installation honoring the Soldiers and family members affected by the mass shooting on post last week: Fort Hood Chaplains Fund Checks can be mailed to: Chaplains Fund Office Bldg 44 761st Tank Battalion Avenue Fort Hood TX 76544-5000 Checks should be made payable to CTOF (Chapels Tithes and Offerings Fund) with a note on the memo line stating Nov. 5 Tragedy. Fort Hood Fisher House Fisher House Bldg 36015 Fisher Lane Ft Hood Texas 76544 Call (254) 286-7927 or (254)286-7929 for more information. Local Chapter - American Red Cross Killeen Red Cross 208 W. Ave. A Killeen Texas 76541 Phone (254) 200-4400 or visit their website: here. USO Fort Hood USO Fort Hood Building # 1871 50th St. Fort Hood Texas 76544 Phone: (254) 768-2771 or visit their website at To check the reliability of a charity or business visit
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