Texas Alliance for Life

AUSTIN She was aborted and lived to tell about it. Doctors said she would never walk; she has completed marathons.
Gianna Jessen who is available for interviews will share her incredible story Thursday October 22 at the Hilton Austin at the Annual Benefit Dinner for Texas Alliance for Life. The event kicks off with registration and a Silent Auction at 6 p.m. The dinner program begins at 7 p.m.
Whether overcoming personal obstacles or challenging presidential candidates Gianna Jessen draws on a deep passion from within: a passion born of an intimate knowledge of the sanctity of every human life.
During the 2008 election season Jessen made headlines when she appeared in a video ad challenging then-Presidential candidate Barack Obamas voting record on bills seeking to protect babies born alive following a failed abortion.
Jessen now in her 30s is intimately aware of what is at stake in those cases: After being burned alive for approximately 18 hours in the womb from the saline solution Jessen was delivered alive in a Los Angeles County abortion facility. Her medical records state born during saline abortion. This caused what Jessen calls her gift of cerebral palsy.
Jessen has shared her story of hope and conviction through major news outlets all over the world including most recently the BBC News and World Radio Sky News and The Good Morning Show in England. She has also appeared several times before Congress -- most recently having her testimony read before the Supreme Court in Carhart v. Gonzales.
Texas Alliance for Life is honored to welcome Jessen to Austin where she will speak to an expected crowd of more than 1000 pro-life supporters. Also on the program for the evening are the Rev. Ellis Hutchison chaplain for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice; the Rev. Mike Sis pastor of St. Thomas More Parish in Austin; Joe Pojman Ph.D. executive director of TAL; and a special video address from Texas Gov. Rick Perry.
Funds raised from the dinner will benefit the programs of Texas Alliance for Life a non-sectarian non-partisan pro-life organization of people committed to protecting innocent human lives from conception through natural death through peaceful legal means.
For more information including Jessens bio and photo visit
www.TexasAllianceforLife.org. To arrange interviews with Joe Pojman or Gianna Jessen contact Valerie Pokorny at 512.477.1244 or