Take Charge of Business at Texas Business Conference in The Woodlands

Published: 02-02-09

width=65width=180AUSTIN - The dynamics of today’s fast-paced ever-changing economy sometimes can make it a challenge for employers to keep up with laws affecting their businesses and workers. To address that the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) is inviting business owners and managers in The Woodlands area to the Texas Business Conference (TBC) on Friday February 13.

“The conference helps employers recognize how laws affect them and their workforce” said TWC Chairman and Commissioner Representing Employers Tom Pauken. “Tools presented at the event will give employers the information they need to operate a business effectively.

Texas is a great place to do business and we need to do our part at TWC to encourage job creation and economic growth in the private sector while helping our employers address the regulatory challenges of employment law.”

Employers will learn how to avoid costly pitfalls when operating a business and learn techniques to more effectively manage employees. Chairman Pauken and his staff will present practical up-to-date information and high-tech tools for finding workers.

Agency attorneys and staff will discuss employee handbooks hiring and retention firing workplace investigations Unemployment Insurance (UI) preparing for UI hearings wage and hour laws workers’ compensation and more.

Participants will receive the latest edition of the popular publication Especially for Texas Employers which addresses basic legal issues regarding hiring post-employment problems and work-separation policy. Certified public accountants who attend can earn six hours of continuing education. Other conference participants may qualify for general professional credit.

The conference is from 8:30 a.m. to 4:10 p.m. at The Woodlands Waterway Marriott Hotel & Convention Center 1601 Lake Robbins Drive in The Woodlands. Registration is from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m.

Registration is $85 per person and is nonrefundable. Registration forms can be downloaded at http://www.texasworkforce.org/twcinfo/tbcforms/tbcform.html then mailed with the fee payable to:

Texas Business Conference — TWC Texas Workforce Commission
101 E. 15th St. Room 218
Austin TX 78778

Space is limited so participants are encouraged to register as soon as possible.

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