Published: 06-19-07
Published: 06-19-07

That’s why the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) is inviting Marble Falls-area business owners and managers to the Texas Business Conference (TBC) on Friday June 29 2007.
“The conference provides employers an opportunity to familiarize themselves with laws affecting them and their workers” said TWC Commissioner Representing Employers Ron Lehman. “Many employers were mailed invitations to attend but even those who may not have received one are encouraged to attend.”
Employers will learn how to avoid costly pitfalls when operating a business and learn techniques to more effectively manage employees. Lehman and his staff will present practical up-to-date information and preview new high-tech tools for finding workers.
Agency attorneys and staff will discuss employee handbooks hiring and retention firing workplace investigations Unemployment Insurance (UI) UI tax credits wage and hour laws workers’ compensation and more.
Participants will receive an invaluable TBC handbook including the latest edition of the popular publication Especially for Texas Employers which addresses basic legal issues in hiring post-employment problems and work separation policy. The conference also offers general professional credit as well as six hours of continuing education for participating certified public accountants.
Participants will receive an invaluable TBC handbook including the latest edition of the popular publication Especially for Texas Employers which addresses basic legal issues in hiring post-employment problems and work separation policy. The conference also offers general professional credit as well as six hours of continuing education for participating certified public accountants.
The TBC will be held at Lakeside Pavilion in Lakeside Park 307 Buena Vista Marble Falls from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Employers must register in advance as space is limited. No registrations will be accepted at the door.
Registration is $85 per person and is nonrefundable. Interested attendees may complete a registration form online at and mail it with the fee payable to: Texas Business Conference — TWC Texas Workforce Commission 101 E. 15th Street Room 218 Austin TX 78778.
More information is available by visiting the TWC Web site or by calling call (512) 463-6389.