Taxpayer Group Says Over-Burdened Citizens Welcome Spending Limits Study

Published: 11-29-07

AUSTIN – The grassroots free-market group Americans for Prosperity (AFP) today called Speaker Tom Craddick’s interim charge to study government spending limits a bold move on behalf of taxpayers. The group noted it is committed to strengthening the Texas state spending limit and establishing local spending limits that require taxpayer approval for government spending that outpaces the growth in population plus inflation.

“We welcome Speaker Tom Craddick’s interim charges specifically his charge to the House Appropriations Committee to study spending limits in other states and recommend long-term strategies to control the cost of government” said AFP-Texas Director Peggy Venable.
AFP recently released data that demonstrated local government spending has grown four times faster than personal income and local government debt has grown five times faster.  Between 1980 and 2005 adjusted for inflation local government spending increased 158 and debt increased 207 during that time.  By comparison Texas’ taxpayer per-person income increased by just 39.  

“Local government debt is so great that the interest rate alone in one year is equal to what all local governments in the state spend on police and fire protection combined” said Venable. 

“We often hear politicians say that more spending is ‘for the children’ but we are leaving a legacy of debt to tomorrow’s taxpayers. We will continue to work with the legislature to promote policies that allow taxpayers to determine just how much government we want and are willing to pay for” said Venable.

Spending limits give citizens a say over whether government revenue should be directed to higher spending or tax relief when government revenues increase faster than population plus inflation.

Speaker Craddick released some of the interim charges today and will be releasing more in the next few days. The legislature will be meeting holding hearings and writing reports to address these issues before the legislature reconvenes in 2009.  Those recommendations will serve as a roadmap for legislation. 

Texas AFP has tracked government spending in a study: “Keeping Texas Competitive: Prosperity in the Lone Star State” which is available on the website
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