TCCRI Task Forces will Work to Study Major State Challenges

State Budget Economic Development and Insurance among Top Priorities warren-chisum3AUSTIN TEXAS Against the backdrop of a bleak fiscal picture in California the Texas Conservative Coalition Research Institute (TCCRI) announced nine issue-specific Task Forces to examine the unfolding disaster in California and to build on the success of state polices. State Representative Warren Chisum (R-Pampa) president of TCCRI and chairman of the TCCRI State Budget Task Force stated: With our Task Forces we will begin examining the policies that are necessary to keep Texas a pillar of economic strength and to keep our state from succumbing to the big-government pitfalls that have brought California to its knees." Task Forces are the backbone of the Institutes research and education efforts. Based on the conservative principles that underpin TCCRI the Task Forces will develop legislative leaders and sound public policy ideas to assist the Legislature in keeping Texas an example of success for the rest of the nation to follow.  The 2009-2010 TCCRI Task Forces include: State Budget Property Tax & School Finance Economic & Workforce Development and Insurance.    Each Task Force will be co-chaired by Senators and Representatives who have the insight and leadership skills to keep Texas on the right path and charting our own future" remarked Rep. Chisum. State Senator Dan Patrick (R-Houston) who serves on the TCCRI Board of Directors and will chair the TCCRI Property Tax & School Finance Task Force noted: No state more vividly illustrates the failed experiment of high taxation government intervention and welfare statism than California."  Sen. Patrick continued: Californias fiscal nightmare is a warning to the State of Texas.  Legislators face many challenges to keep Texas economically competitive and fiscally healthy and this slate of TCCRI Task Forces will be an invaluable tool for legislators staff and private sector stakeholders to work together toward principled public policies." A full list of TCCRI Task Forces for the 2009-2010 interim and their respective Senate and House co-chairmen is attached.  Rep. Chisum concluded: Texas must continue with principled governance that is based on fiscal restraint low taxation and individual liberty.  TCCRI Task Forces will lay the foundation for the future growth and success of our state." The TCCRI Task Forces for the 2009-2010 Interim and their respective co-chairmen are: task-force
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