Published: 12-23-08
Orr: “These awards will have a dramatic and positive impact in the life of these homeowners. . .
(AUSTIN) — Knowing that maintaining and improving the existing housing stock in rural Texas helps maintain homeownership and the viability of entire communities the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) has announced an award to the City of Godley that will help fund home repairs for low income residents and provide financial benefits to both the local construction industry and government coffers.
TDHCA awarded $150000 in home repair assistance funds to the city which will help rehabilitate two homes owned and lived in by income eligible residents.
“These awards will have a dramatic and positive impact in the life of these homeowners most of whom are elderly persons in serious need of help” said State Representative Rob Orr of Burleson. “These are among our state’s most vulnerable residents; they don’t have the funds to make the necessary repairs themselves and rural communities so often don’t have the resources to help. I commend TDHCA for this award and their commitment to small town Texas.”
“Repairing substandard housing is a critical mission of the Department as it helps preserve homeownership and brings stability to entire neighborhoods” said Michael Gerber TDHCA Executive Director. “TDHCA is confident that our home repair funds will have a lasting impact on these two families and we’re proud to help contribute to an improved quality of life for area residents. In addition the local economy will also benefit from the infusion of construction payroll funds and increased taxes and other fees to local governments.”
TDHCA awards home repair funds to qualifying applicants through the Department’s HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program which helps repair or replace homes owned and lived in by income eligible homeowners. Assistance may include roof repair or replacement as well as repairs to the electrical and plumbing systems. If a home has deteriorated to the point it no longer is cost effective to repair it may be demolished and replaced either by a traditional “site built” home or a manufactured home.
Qualifying applicants include eligible units of local government public housing authorities Community Housing Development Organizations and other nonprofit groups and certain for-profit organizations.
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development is the funding source for the HOME Program. The program serves households earning no more than 80 percent of the area median family income which for Godley and Johnson County equals an annual income of $51700 for a family for four.
About The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs
The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs is the state agency responsible for affordable housing community services energy assistance and colonia housing programs. The Department annually administers more than $400 million through for-profit nonprofit and local government partnerships to deliver local housing and community-based opportunities and assistance to Texans in need.
About Representative Rob Orr
Rep. Rob Orr represents House District 58 in the Texas House of Representatives. He is entering his third term as a member of the Texas House of Representatives. Rep. Orr serves as chairman of the House Committee on Land and Resource Management and during the 80th Legislative Session he chaired its Eminent Domain Subcommittee. He also serves as a member of the Financial Institutions Committee House Research Organization Republican Caucus Policy Committee the Texas Conservative Coalition and The Energy Council a national/international legislative organization that focuses on policies regarding energy and the environment.