TEA Parties Draw Attack from Democratic Senate Candidate Sharp

John Sharp Releases Perry Attack Video Former Texas Comptroller and candidate for Kay Bailey Hutchisons Senate seat John Sharp launched a web ad criticizing Governor Rick Perrys recent comments about state sovereignty during the nationwide tea parties on April 15 2009.  In the ad Sharp says During WWII my father was shot in defense of the greatest country on earth and I proudly wore the uniform of a United States Army Reserve officer. So Im offended when it becomes acceptable for anybody to talk about Texas leaving the union. Sharps ad went on to say that Perrys talk about secession is radical anti-American rhetoric. His criticisms fall in line with sharp partisan attacks like those from MCNBCs liberal talk show hosts Chris Matthews who called Perry a bozo and Rachel Maddow who accused Perry of flirting to the point of adultery. Meanwhile Congressman Ron Paul defended Perrys comments arguing the founding principles of the nation. In an interview with CNNs American Morning Paul said I heard people say well this was treason they say and this is un-American. But dont they remember how we came in to our being? We used secession. We seceded from England....Its a principle of a free society. Its a shame we dont have it anymore. Paul further commented that if the principle of secession exists then the federal government would not be as intrusive into state affairs. Affirming thoughts about states rights is currently under debate in the Texas House. Yesterday the House Committee on State Affairs heard testimony on HCR-50 a resolution affirming states rights under the 10th Amendment. Dustin Matocha of the Young Conservatives of Texas said in his testimony The expansion of the Federal Government in this administration is especially worrisome. When the President of the United States took an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution as the Supreme Law of the Land he swore to uphold the entire document not just bits and pieces he thought were relevant. The tenth amendment guarantees the sovereignty of not only each individual state but the people of this country as well. Notably Rasmussen Reports released a nationwide poll that showed 51 of Americans held a favorable view of the tea party rallies while 32 had a very favorable view of the nationwide rallies. Despite criticisms from John Sharp and others on the liberal side of the aisle it appears the American people are happy with the outcome of the tea parties and the national movement to fix Washington stop wasteful spending and affirm state sovereignty that stemmed from them.
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