Teacher Retirement System of TX Picks GCI Group to Help Enhance Communications

Published: 06-16-08
width=160AUSTIN – The Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS) Board of Trustees has approved hiring GCI Group a highly respected international communications firm to assist TRS in enhancing and expanding member and public communications efforts.

During their June 12 meeting in Austin trustees authorized TRS Executive Director Ronnie Jung to enter into contract negotiations with GCI to provide communications consulting services for the agency.

“As TRS continues to modernize our investment and benefit-delivery operations we are also strongly committed to providing our members with easy-to-understand accurate and timely information regarding their retirement system and benefits” explained TRS Board Chairman Jim Lee.

“The GCI Group has extensive experience helping public- and private-sector clients worldwide. With our current 98 percent level of member satisfaction and a desire for 100 percent member engagement GCI will be invaluable in helping our staff refine existing programs and establish new two-way communication channels with members retirees and the public-at-large.”

TRS the nation’s seventh largest public retirement system delivers retirement and related benefits that have been authorized by the Texas Legislature and manages a $107.5 billion trust fund established to finance member benefits. More than 1.2 million public education and higher education employees and retirees participate in the system.

GCI Group is a leading communications firm with offices in North America Europe and Asia and is part of the WPP Group one of the world’s largest communications services groups.

Recent private-sector GCI clients have included major Fortune 500 companies such as Dell Genetech Nike Merck Whole Foods and Starbucks. Recent public-sector clients have included The University of Texas at Austin the Texas Department of Economic Development and the Lower Colorado River Authority.

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