By David A. Diaz - Legislative Media

A planned bronze monument that will honor the past and future contributions of Tejanos in Texas an idea first successfully championed almost a decade ago by Rep. Ismael Kino Flores D-Palmview on Friday May 29 was finally bestowed a place of honor on the historic south lawn of the Texas Capitol.
The monument a planned artistic masterpiece being created by Laredo artist Armando Hinojosa will be located on the southeast corner of the Texas Capitol grounds.
The Tejano Monument will become the latest addition to an exclusive club of shrines to the Lone State that will grace the south lawn which also includes Heroes of the Alamo Volunteer Firemen Terrys Texas Rangers and Texas Cowboy.
Its been a long time coming 500 years said Gov. Rick Perry referring to the advent of Spanish explorers who first came to Texas in the early 1500s. It is fitting that we should devote space on the historic south grounds of our state capitol to commemorate the contributions of our Latino brothers and sisters throughout the ages.
More than one-third of the states population is Mexican American according to U.S. census estimates.
Perrys comments came during a bill signing ceremony he hosted at the governors reception room in the Capitol which was attended by numerous elected legislative leaders and other citizens including key guests from the Valley.
The monument will not single out specific Tejano heroes and pioneers but instead commemorate the 500-year role of Tejanos in Texas and the Spanish-Mexican legacy in the state from 1500 to 1800 Perry explained.
The bronze monument will consist of 11 life-size sculptures he added.
Perry noted that it was Flores who passed legislation in 2001 that authorized the Texas Preservation Board a state government entity to participate in the development design construction and location of the Tejano Monument portrayed by its supporters as a legacy sculpture.
Sen. Mario Gallegos D-Houston guided Flores bill through the Senate at the beginning of this decade.
No army is powerful enough to defeat an idea whose time has come Flores said of the eight-year campaign to develop and finance the monument then place the planned sculpture in its rightful location.
Flores praised the many Texans from all walks of life who battled for the creation funding and location of the Tejano Monument especially Cayetano Barrera M.D. and Richard Snchez both of McAllen who put the evolving plan into action almost 10 years ago.
It was Barrera who brought the vision of a Tejano Monument to Snchez who at the time was serving as Flores legislative chief-of-staff.
These two distinguished gentlemen have been joined over the years by many other dedicated people from all cultures in making and preserving history with this effort said Flores a U.S. Army veteran. This is truly a part of their legacies to Texas. I salute everyone involved in this noble endeavor.
The May 29 ceremony revolved around House Bill 4114 by Rep. Trey Martnez Fischer D-San Antonio and Sen. Judith Zaffirini D-Laredo. That measure directs the State Preservation Board to place the Tejano Monument on the Capitols south grounds.
HB 4114 also issues a moratorium on new monuments being placed on the south grounds.
The crusade to locate the Tejano Monument on hallowed land is right and just Flores said.
They have given equal justice in representing all of those participants who have made Texas what it is today" Flores told the Rio Grande Guardian an online legislative newspaper which comprehensively covers Texas border politics. And with the significance of this monument being built there it puts out the real story.
When people come to visit the Capitol they will know that Tejanos played a big part in the creation of Texas and what it looks like today."
Additional information on the planned Tejano Monument along with a video link to the bill signing ceremony is available online at
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